Ten things you didn’t know about me

I was tagged by wonnablogger to reveal 10 things about me that you didn’t know before this post!  Right here goes:   
 1. I used to work as a Dental Nurse but am actually scared of Dentists!
2. I used to sing in my local church choir
3. I hate having my photograph taken, I’m usually hiding behind the camera
4. I play the flute
5. I established the local Rainbow Pack when I was 17 years old and its still going strong
6. I love horse riding although have an allergy to horses.
7. I can speak English, Welsh, French and Spanish
8. I worked as a Children’s Rep for JMC in Rhodes for a session before I met my husband
9. I love my cats, we have six, yes six!
10. I failed my driving theory test three times

So that’s me, I’m tagging Mummy Bird ,  The Blunt Truth   and mummy mummy mum
10 things you didn’t know about me was started by  Me and My Kiddywinks                                              

5 thoughts on “Ten things you didn’t know about me

  1. Joanne Blunt says:

    The first one made me laugh! Though at least you could identify with the nervous patients. Thanks for the tag. Will do mine when the boys are in bed 🙂

  2. welshmumof3 says:

    Lol, no problem will look forward to reading yours 🙂

  3. Mummybird says:

    I love the first one to, it made me chuckle. I like this 10 things you didn’t know about me, I will do mine now. How did you tag me to it??? When I do it do I need to tag a few people?

  4. welshmumof3 says:

    🙂 yes you need to tag others or someone once you’ve done. I used the links bit to tag you in.

  5. Mummybird says:

    oh ok I’ll have go 🙂

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