St David’s Day Craft for toddlers- handprint Daffodil

This Friday is 1st March and is also St David’s Day, my older children usually dress up in traditional welsh costume or welsh rugby shirts to attend school and meithrin every year.  While I spend the few days in the run up to it doing simple crafts for St David’s Day with the younger children and those I childmind.  So this week we have been busy making hand print Daffodil Flowers as the Daffodil is the National flower of Wales.  I thought I would share this simple craft with you.

                                        All you need is:

A sheet of white card or paper
Yellow paint
Orange Paint (mix yellow and red paint together if you do not have)
An empty egg carton
Green sugar paper or card

Carefully trim your egg box sections down (see photo 2) If your child is old enough use child safety scissors and let them attempt but if not cut down for your child.
Using the yellow paint, paint hands and make hand prints.  We did four hand prints each.
Then using the orange paint paint the egg box segment both inside and out.  
Then leave to dry.
Once dry cut around your hand prints. 

Arrange your hand prints to form petals.  Once your happy with the arrangement use a little glue to stick together.  Then stick the bottom of the egg box segment into the centre of the hand prints (see photo 4)

Then take your green card or sugar paper and draw out the outline of a leaf and stalk.  Once you are happy with it cut it out.  We only wanted one leaf but you could have as many as you want.

Then using the glue stick to the underside of your hand prints to form your finished daffodil.  

You could use the same method to make other flowers just use a different coloured paint.  You could also make enough flowers to make a bunch which would make a lovely Mother’s Day gift too. 

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