As The Parent, You have a lot of Influence over your childs’ eduction.

It’s easy and common to assume that teachers are the only people who have an impact on a child’s education. But if you have this mindset, then it’s time to think again. In reality, parents have a lot of say on their childs learning experience and the rest of their… Read more“As The Parent, You have a lot of Influence over your childs’ eduction.”

Back to school with Collins 4 Parents and Giveaway

The start of the School year can be full of mixed emotions, excitement, apprehension and can be very daunting for both children and parents.  This time around sees Luc heading off to Secondary School for the first time while all three younger children will be in Primary school.  As a… Read more“Back to school with Collins 4 Parents and Giveaway”

Britmums Live 2015 – Why I would like to go and how you can help

When I first started blogging back in 2011 I had no idea about what I was doing.  I simply wanted to write about family life in the form of an online diary.  I had some basic computer skills and knowledge of social media but it quickly became apparent that I… Read more“Britmums Live 2015 – Why I would like to go and how you can help”