HIPP Organic Baby club and HIPP Organic stage one giveaway

When I was pregnant with the boys I joined every baby club available and rejoined them with each pregnancy.  This time around however I have only rejoined some of them this time around.  One of those I have rejoined is the HIPP Baby Club.

The HIPP organic website provides a wealth of information from pregnancy right through to when baby is nine months plus.  They have some great recipe ideas suitable for eating in pregnancy, a due date calculator, a week by week pregnancy guide to information on foods that should be avoided in pregnancy.  Once baby has arrived their guide continues with baby’s development, breastfeeding and bottle feeding information and more recipes for mums.  They even have information on colic and reflux. Then when baby is ready to be weaned they have some helpful advice regarding weaning and ideas for first foods.  Why not pop over and have a look for Hipp Organic and sign up for the baby club.

They also have a lovely forum where you can chat with other mums to be and mums.  When you join their baby club you will receive a range of items including free HIPP Organic samples and money off coupons, a very handy room thermometer, first year record book along with regular emails from HIPP.  When the boys were being weaned not only did I make my own purees but I also used HIPP Organic baby jars when going out and about as they were very convenient and I knew I could trust what was being put into the jar. 

HIPP Organic have very kindly provided me with a goody bag containing some of their stage one foods to giveaway to one lucky person.  All the items are suitable from four months of age with the exception of the Banana Porridge which is suitable from six months.

Included in the goody bag is:
A packet of Banana Porridge, 6mth plus
A Jar of Apple and Pear Pudding, 4mths plus
A Jar of Banana Custard, 4mths plus
A jar of Vegetable and rice with Chicken, 4mths plus
A Pouch of Banana, Pear and Mango, 4mths plus
A Pouch of Apple, Strawberry and Banana, 4mths plus.

To be in with a chance of winning these great products all you have to do is:

1. Follow my blog via networked blogs or google friends connect (located on right hand side of my blog)

2. Leave a blog comment telling me why you would like to win the goody bag 

For a bonus entry (one bonus entry for each step completed, remember to leave a comment so I know you have completed each step)

3. Pop over to Hipp Organics  facebook page and leave the comment ” I want to win Hipp Organic stage one goodies with mum of 3 boys” and tag Mum of 3 boys into the comment

4. Follow Hipp Organic on Twitter and tweet “I want to win a @HIPPOrganic goody bag with @welshmumof3boys http://mumofthreeboys.blogspot.com/2012/03/hipp-organic-baby-club-and-hipp-organic.html

Giveaway will close on Sunday 25th March 2012 at 8pm.  The winner will be chosen using a random number generator.    Open to residents of the UK and Ireland only.  
 Good Luck everyone and remember to let your friends know about the giveaway

Giveaway now closed, thank you to everyone who entered.

Apologies for the delay in announcing the winner, but I would finally like to announce the winner of the Hipp Organic Goodies …

Congratulations to Carolina who has won the goodies.  Please email me at welshmumof3@gmail.com with your contact details within the next 48 hours and I will get your prize sent out.

A huge thankyou to everyone who entered.

16 thoughts on “HIPP Organic Baby club and HIPP Organic stage one giveaway

  1. a2zbaby says:

    Really great, every one give more preference ti organic baby products Baby Products

    Baby Care Products

  2. Elin says:

    I would love to win this as we are just starting introducing Khloe to food and it would help us out an awful lot!

  3. Elin says:

    Tweeted and facebooked too 🙂

  4. Carolina says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Carolina says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Carolina says:

    I follow your blog via networked blogs.
    I’d love to win it for my little daughter who loves Hipp!

  7. Carolina says:

    I popped over to Hipp Organics facebook page and left the comment and tagged Mum of 3 boys into the comment.

  8. Carolina says:

    I follow Hipp Organic on Twitter and tweeted. @pandcands

  9. aggifaces says:

    My twin boys will love to try Hipp Organics for 4 months old soon ( in a month)

  10. Following you via GFC


  11. I’d love to win as Tigger loves HIPP food especially the banana porridge


  12. Liked and commented on FB – Sarah Littleboo Anguish


  13. Following via Twitter and tweeted


  14. kathvcomps says:

    I am following on networked blogs. thanks

  15. kathvcomps says:

    Id love to win this as my daughter is about to turn 6 months, so any weaning help would be very appreciated

  16. kathvcomps says:

    following on twitter and have retweeted as @kathvbtn

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