Some of you may have seen last week that John Crane Ltd where looking for three bloggers to work with them as Ambassadors. I was so excited when I saw this over on their facebook page and couldn’t wait to apply.
I love wooden toys and the boys are discovering the joys of them too. When looking for a new toy I will always look for wooden toys first and John Crane are one of my all time favourite companies. So the chance to become an Ambassador for them was such a fantastic opportunity to work with them.
I quickly sent a message through with the details they needed. I tried not to think about it too much for the rest of the evening but kept checking John Crane’s facebook page to see if there was any more information. I decided not to mention the fact I had applied to Dad of Three or the children until I knew if I had been successful. The following morning I received an email from Amy who works at John Crane Ltd and who the successful bloggers would be working with. Amy was getting in touch to let me know I had made it into the final eight. I was so excited, at the time I was at my sister’s feeding her cat and there isn’t a very good phone signal there so I had to walk around until I had a signal so I could ring Dad of three and tell him my news. He was pleased for me and advised me not to rush into writing my response for Amy but to finish what I was doing, sit and relax and then write my reply. So on this occasion I decided to take dad of three’s advice! Having collected Rowan from Meithrin, eaten lunch and fed Erin I sat down to write my response to Amy and pressed send.
In the meantime I was chatting to MummyBird and asked if she had applied to become an ambassador. We were both excited to find out each other had applied. Mummybird and I started blogging around the same time last year and immediately hit it off. Despite living at different ends of the country we have become good friends and chat regularly. So both of us waited nervously for news from John Crane Ltd in the hope we would get the opportunity to work together.
I knew from John Crane Ltd’s facebook page that we would not hear anything until the end of the week so tried to put it to the back of my mind. Then Friday morning while I was again at my sister’s my phone bleeped with an email. When I opened it I discovered it was a tweet from John Crane Ltd’s twitter wishing their 3 new ambassador’s a follow Friday! At first it didn’t register that I had been chosen as one of the ambassadors and I had to read it again! Then I received an email from Amy congratulating me on being chosen as one of the ambassadors. I was thrilled, I can’t tell you how excited I was. I then realised that Mummybird had also been successful along with Mummy2Five I have spoken with Mummy2five on twitter a few times and am looking forward to getting to know her better.
I am really looking forward to getting stuck in with Amy, Mummybird and Mummy2five. I hope you will all join us on our journey.
I am really looking forward to working with you on this 🙂