18 thoughts on “Silent Sunday

  1. Mummy Barrow says:

    Got to love an ice cream pic!

  2. Happy faces! Looks like the ice creams were a hit.

  3. Gorgeous portrait, the lighting in it is lovely too 🙂

  4. Coombe Mill says:

    Now that looks like 3 happy children! A treat worth having.

  5. Fabulous picture, such cheeky looking chappies.

    Herding Cats & Beneath Thy Feet

  6. @Babberblog says:

    Could they look any happier? Brilliant!

    1. welshmumof3 says:

      🙂 an ice cream is certainly the way to their hearts at the moment

  7. Kerry says:

    That is a lovely picture xx

    1. welshmumof3 says:

      Thank you, I love this photo 🙂

  8. Helpful Mum says:

    Mmmm. Ice cream smiles. Who doesn’t love ice cream?

  9. Jess says:

    3 very happy little boys there 🙂 lovely photo

  10. Happy boys! Who wouldn’t be with those treats?!

  11. Oh look at those cheeky smiles! I really want some ice cream now!

    1. welshmumof3 says:

      🙂 there’s something about seeing photos of food that makes you suddenly want to eat isn’t there 😉

  12. welshmumof3 says:

    I love this photo of the boys, such cheeky grins 🙂 and the ice cream was delicious Pembrokeshire traditional ice cream 🙂

  13. SusanKMann says:

    Aww so cute. What happy faces x

  14. Aww lovely picture. X

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