For the last few weeks I have been trying to think of a way of helping to remember the gorgeous Matilda Mae’s first birthday. Matilda Mae sadly died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in February. Matilda Mae was only nine months old and today is her first birthday. I can’t begin to imagine how her parents and family are feeling right now but really wanted to show the lovely Jennie that she and Matilda Mae continue to be my thoughts and more so than every today.
I finally decided that bubble painting would be a lovely idea as Matilda or Tilda as she is known as by us all loved bubbles. It’s something I haven’t done for a long time but is so much fun and easy to do.
All you need is:
Some paper
Bowls or trays
Washing up liquid
Paint (I used ready mixed paint)
Then its time to mix up the bubble paint mix. This is so easy to do, just put some of your chosen paint into one of the bowls or trays then add a generous squirt of washing up liquid and then add water to the paint and washing up liquid until you are able to blow bubbles in it. Then simply take a straw and blow into the mix until bubbles form. You want the bubbles to fill your bowl or tray and almost be over the top. Then take your chosen piece of paper and simply place over the bubbles press down gently and remove again. Hey presto you have your bubble print. You can repeat this method over and over again with different colours to create lots of gorgeous bubble print pictures.

Rowan had so much fun blowing into the paint mix to make the bubbles and then placing the paper over the top of the different bowls. Rowan choose five different paint colours to use. He was amazed each time he took the paper off the bubbles. He got quite methodical about blowing the bubbles then quickly placing the paper over the top and repeating it over and over again. He tried overlaying the prints one on top of another, having the prints spread aroud the paper and also repeat prints using the same colour mixture. The results were fantastic. Rowan had soon filled both the kitchen table and the work surfaces with his bubble painting pictures. I had a hard time trying to get him to stop painting as he was having so much fun. Once he had I cleared away the paint mixes and laid out all the paintings for him to see and for them to dry.
Below is a selection of the paintings
You could try using different coloured paper instead of white or use card instead. There are also so many things you could do with your finished paintings too. Since we did the bubble painting I have been trying to think what we can do with ours and finally have had an idea to turn them into something to tie in with the theme we have been working on. I will share it with you when they are finished, so keep an eye out.
Happy first Birthday Tilda xxxx
A lovely idea for playtime, maybe one I need to try! X
This is such a great idea for bubble painting. I haven’t done it this way before, thanks for sharing. And thanks for linking up too
This sounds so easy and must be so much fun. Beautiful bubble prints x
We did this too, such a lovely way to remember her. Beautiful prints x
Can’t wait to try this with Potato. A lovely way to remember Tilda xx
I’m sure my son would drink instead of blow into the straw but I’d like to try this with him. Just to see the look on his face when he tastes the mix ! Nice post !
Id love to try this, such a lovely way to remember xx
What a lovely way to remember Matilda Mae- messy play and bubbles together.
Rowan looks to be really enjoying it, we shall have to give it a try.
bubble painting looks lovely! What a great idea and a lovely way to remember Matilda Mae x
Love the idea of bubble painting, I’ll try this with my little ones, a lovely lasting reminder of MM xx
We love messy play and messy art in our house, and bubbles of course x Perfect for Tilda’s birthday x Thank you x
Oh, I haven’t done bubble painting like this since I was a child – must do it with my boys 🙂 A perfect way to remember Matilda Mae xx