Project 365 – Weeks 18 and 19

It’s really been a busy couple of weeks here which is why I am late posting my last fortnights project 365.  

Week 18:

Sunday – This morning while I was doing chores the four children were all sat together in the toy room playing harmoniously together.  I love watching this happen and makes me smile watching
how they interact together.
Monday – I bought Erin her own bag as she has spent ages going into my bag and taking things out.  So in the hope it will deter her from doing so I got her, her own bag.  She spends ages walking around the house putting things in her bag and then taking them out again.  
Tuesday – Parent’s evening for the two older boys, I let Rowan play a game on my phone while I spoke to the teachers and later discovered he had taken pictures of Luc in his classroom!
Wednesday – Annual school photo day so Erin was put in a pretty dress in the hope she would let us get a picture of the four children together.  After breakfast she tottered around the playroom playing with the toy kitchen.  
Thursday – The toy kitchen has always been a favourite toy with the children and now Erin is up on her feet she is discovering it’s delights too.  Thursday morning she spent ages playing alongside Rowan and my childminded child with the kitchen.  
Friday- After school the children and I went off in search of tadpoles.  I was tipped off that there are usually lots in the stream running down to the coast at Ceirbwr bay.  I haven’t been there since I was about 13 years old despite it being some 25 minutes away.  Friday had been a glorious day here and the views at Ceibwr Bay which is owned by the National Trust.  The younger two had fallen asleep on the journey down but the older two were as delighted as I was at discovering this hidden gem.  Sadly we did not find any tadpoles!
Saturday – I turned the bubble painting we had done earlier in the week into fish and stuck them around the playroom.

Week 19:

Sunday – Afternoon cuddles on daddy, who could want anything else after a busy week.
Monday – Erin has recently started emptying out her shape sorter bucket and putting the bucket on her head to play peep poo.  It’s very funny and cute watching her giggling to herself.  
Tuesday – While Erin was having a nap after school Rowan wanted a cuddle too so came and sat next to me.  I was editing photo’s on my phone (multitasking as usual) and he asked me to take a picture of him.
Wednesday – An afternoon drive along the coast to watch the chopping waves in the wind.  The patterns of the waves breaking were very pretty.
Thursday – Rowan came home to discover an new toy to play with, he and Erin spent ages examining it and playing together with it.
Friday – After taking Rowan to school, Erin and I popped to do some food shopping.  While there she spotted a peppa pig phone.  So in another bid to stop her trying to grab my phone and mess with my apps I decided to treat her to her own phone.  Once home she spent ages playing with it and was thrilled to discover peppa’s voice and picture on it.  Fingers crossed she leaves my phone alone now!
Saturday – A wet walk to our local wildlife park, We’d been couped up for days due to the bad weather and cabin fever had set in.  We made it as far as the gate to the wildlife centre’s car park before turning round as the rain got too much.  The water buffalo were in a near by field and didn’t seem impressed with the rain.  I promised Rowan we would return the next day to complete our walk.  

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

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