Project 365 – Week 6

Well what a week, I’m so fed up of this awful weather now.  Getting soaked on every school run really isn’t fun anymore and I’m craving the chance to get outside in the fresh air.  We have had the odd spell of sunshine this week but without failing the rain and winds have hit just in time for the afternoon school run!  
February 2nd – While Erin was napping and dad of 3 was watching the rugby I took the opportunity to get some posts written on here.  It felt really good to have some uninterrupted time to write.

February 3rd – Saw dad of 3, Erin and myself head off to do a spot of shopping while the boys were in school.  We don’t often get the opportunity to do this but dad of 3 actually had a day off at the same time as I did, so making the most it we also had some lunch out.  Erin took the opportunity to help herself to her daddy’s drink, she’s getting so independent and hates being helped.
February 4th – I opened the curtains this morning to be greeted by this gorgeous view, the sun was shining and it was such a welcome sight.  We managed half an hour in the garden before lunch but sadly by 2pm the wind had picked up and the rain was back with a vengeance.  
February 5th –   One of my favorite puddings my mum used to make us as children was Pineapple Upside down cake, amazingly tonight was my first attempt at making it and it tasted just as I remembered.  It was a hit with everyone else too, so it looks like it could be a regular pudding here.
February 6th – While I was cooking tonight’s tea I turned round to find Kitty laying in the basket beneath the highchair! She looked so comfortable and spent a good hour in their watching what was going on around here.  
February 7th – It’s been a long week for everyone this week.  This evening while I was having a cup of tea the boys decided they wanted to make dens, something I had been doing that afternoon with Erin and the little one I was looking after.  They spent several hours before and after dinner playing in it and even asked if they could leave it up for the morning, you just can’t beat a spot of den building!
February 8th – This afternoon while the wind raged and the rain came down, dad of 3 was watching Rugby and Erin wanted to nap.  So taking the opportunity for an hours down time I curled up in bed with Erin and the boys to watch Home Alone on TV.  The older two loved the film and it reminded me of the first time I watched it with my siblings all those years ago.  
So that’s our week, I really hope your all safe and have had a good week.  

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

13 thoughts on “Project 365 – Week 6

  1. That pudding looks amazing! I’d forgotten all about them, very tempted to make one now!

    Just Pirouette and Carry On…

    1. welshmumof3 says:

      It was so easy to make too, my mum couldn’t believe I hadn’t made one before lol

  2. Kate Fever says:

    Pineapple upside down cake takes me back to being a chil, haven’t had it for years. Might have to give it a go this week! #project365

    1. welshmumof3 says:

      I know and it was so easy to make too 🙂

  3. Love the look of pudding & den buildings getting fed up of the rain now too x

    1. welshmumof3 says:

      thank you 🙂 den building is so much fun

  4. Jaime Oliver says:

    Pineapple upside down cake .. i have never had it but it sounds and looks delicious x

    1. welshmumof3 says:

      I can’t believe you’ve never heard of it, you have to try it x

  5. Kara Guppy says:

    Your cat is sooooooo cute!

    1. welshmumof3 says:

      she is but very mischievous

  6. Ooh the pineapple upsidedown cake looks divine!

  7. ooh pineapple upside down cake, i haven’t that in years, looks lovely

  8. Nikki Thomas says:

    That cake does look amazing, I will have to try that! Love the den too, it is amazing how the simple things amuse them so much

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