This morning we’ve been making flowers out of cake cases. It’s a simple craft activity which is great for little hands, promotes hand eye co-ordination, great for fine pincer practice and lets little ones get creative.
You will need –
Green craft pipe cleaners
Foam Craft circles
cake cases ( I used plain ones but you could you coloured ones)
PVA glue
Method –
1. Flatten the cake cakes out.
2.Spread some pva glue around the the flattened cake case (the little ones aged 2 enjoyed doing this themselves.
3. Stick sequins around the cake case.
4. When happy with your cake cake set it to one side to dry.
5. Repeat process until you have the amount of flower heads you require, we did four each this morning, just the right amount of time to hold two year olds attention.
6. Fold your pipe cleaner in half and cut into two.
7.Taking your dry cake case carefully push the end of the pipe cleaner you cut through the centre of the case. I did this for the children as the end was sharp but older children could manage themselves.
8.Take a foam circle and push over the end of the pipe cleaner to secure.
9. You have your cake case flower.
We’ve made a small bunch perfect for a Mother’s Day gift.
You could paint or colour the cake case’s before you stick sequins on if you like. You could also use glitter and cut the cake case to form petals. There are so many possibilities using this basic method which produces a lovely flower.