If you’ve been into your local Tesco in the last week or two you have probably noticed their new sticker promotion for Thomas Professional Kitchenware. Included in the promotion are some lovely Thomas Professional Knifes and knife block. Tesco kindly sent me a set of the Thomas Knifes and a knife block to try out. It was really good timing as we had been talking about getting a new set of kitchen knifes as our old ones are now so blunt that even sharpening them doesn’t help!
To say dad of 3 was excited when the knifes arrived would be an understatement! We were sent –
- Knife Block – £7.99 with 5 stickers (usually £26.99)
- Bread Knife – £4.99 with 5 stickers (usually £16.99)
- Utility Knife – £3.99 with 5 stickers (usually £14.99)
- Large Santoku Knife £4.99 with 5 stickers (usually £16.99)
- Small Santoku Knife £3.99 with 5 stickers (usually £14.99)
- Cooks Knife £4.99 with 5 stickers (usually £16.99)
The way the sticker promotion works is that for every £20 you spend either in store or online either grocery’s or with Tesco Direct click and collect orders you will receive one sticker.
Important dates to remember – Collect your stickers between 3rd March and 25th May 2014 and use your stickers between 3rd March and 1st June 2014
These knifes are extremely sharp and shouldn’t be handles by children so using it as an opportunity to talk to the children about sharp knifes. That evening we sat them all down and explained about knifes been extremely dangerous if used the wrong way and that the new knifes we had were extremely sharp and that they must NEVER touch them. We also explained that they must never come up behind one of us when we are using a sharp knife either.
That evening dad of 3 couldn’t wait to try the knifes out and set about making dinner, chopping the vegetable and meat up. He wanted to be the first to try them out well it meant I had a night off from cooking didn’t it! Leaving him to it so that he could concentrate on what he was doing all I could hear was ‘wow that’s so much easier’ and ‘I like these!’ coming from the kitchen. When he finally imaged he was quick to tell me how much easier dicing the chicken breast was, as well as the onion and potatoes (we were having chicken curry and chips) Dad of 3 explained that the knife did all the work! he had used the utility knife to dice the onion and cut the chips and the large santoku knife to dice the chicken breast. He said it was effortless and so much better using the new knifes than our old ones. He did have a small war wound from dicing the onion though, he had nicked one of his fingers, thankfully he hadn’t quite broken the skin but it was a good example to show the children just how sharp the knifes are.
I have to say I have also now used the bread knife and the utility knife and dad of 3 was right in saying how much easier they made the task at hand. We did note from the packaging that the knifes should not be washed in a dishwasher so after each use they have very carefully been washed by hand and returned to the knife block once dry to be stored safely until the next time they are required. These are certainly knifes that I would recommend taking advantage of the sticker promotion for in Tesco.
We were also invited to take part in a blogger challenge to create a fruit or vegetable carving using the Thomas Knifes, dad of 3 was very keen to take up the challenge and you can see our entry here.
Also in the sticker promotion are three piece wooden chopping board set, a 2.4 litre oval roaster, a carving set, a cleaver, kitchen scissors and a roasting pan with rack. For more information about the sticker promotion please visit here
Tesco have also very kindly given me a set of these fantastic Thomas Kitchen Knifes and a Knife block worth over £100 to giveaway to one lucky follower. To be in with a chance of winning them all you need to do is fill in the rafflecopter form below.
You must be over 18 years old to enter this giveaway
Good Luck
I’d carve a rose from a radish! I once watch a chef carve on whilst abroad and it looked great! I think they would make salads look lovely with rose radishes!
A tomato with a zig-zag edge! Just so Retro! 😀 And if you slice the top leafy part of spring onions thinly length-wise (sharp knife needed for this job) and stick them (leafy end first) into a big bowl of ice-cold water the tops all curl up in every direction and look quite amazing! 😀
some kind of an animal face from or circle with cucumber
A owl from a potato 🙂
A Hamster Out Of A Apple Because I Love Hamsters!
a cabbage to make a flower
water melon whales!!! they look sooo cute!
A cucumber into a lotus flower
I’d love to carve a Viking long boat out of a cucumber!! I don’t know why: the shape just seems so appropriate for that!
a flower from a carrot
a carrot flower cos they look fantastic
I’ve always wanted to try to carve a rose – they look so great when they are complete.
Hazel Rea – @beachrambler
i would do a face out of watermelon
An apple flower
It would have to be a mermaid as my daughter’s obsessed with them!
watermelon dolphins sounds like fun
A castle from a swede – I saw one once and it looked amazing!
a smiley face in a swede – why not?
I love Mandy’s idea of an apple flower – ideally covered in toffee sauce!
A zombie watermelon,good for parties 🙂
Just like the Ice Hotel I would carve the Fruit Hotel and then during the night I would be able to snackand still be healthy
a motorbike sweet potato
I’d like to carve some potatoes into chips. 🙂
A banana from an apple … why not?
I would like to carve potatoes to look like Edgar Allan Poe, or maybe Vincent Price 🙂
I forgot to say why. It’s because I have always wanted to learn how to sculpt. The last time I considered starting, I found these sculptures of Edgar Allan Poe and Vincent Price, each of which I am a fan of, which blew me away. Here is the Edgar Allan Poe one in case you are interested http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9a0ps3U9r1qbmgeto1_500.jpg
So, if I could carve/sculpt a potato which resembled that, it would be the virtuoso I always dreamed of being.
I wish you could edit comments. I meant ‘I would be’ not ‘it would be’.
carrot because its hard I would carve the face of Christ
I’d love to make a Peppa Pig out of a butternut squash because my daughter would think that I was amazing!!
A flower out of carrot slices. My mum always did that when I was growing up.
A cat from an apple – have plenty of both.
An swan from a apple!
I’d like to be able to carve pumpkins properly, I always make a mess every Halloween.
I love making shapes from cucumber
An awesome design on a pumpkin for Halloween! I’ve seen some amazing designs but never had the tools to create something good before!
a pug for my little girl as she adores them
carve a parrot into a melon, I don’t know why I just want to be posh, haha!
A rose as the petals are lovely and intricate. It would be great to have one that would last.
a Penguin as my litter girls love them
An apple swan 🙂
Flowers from all sorts of different fruit and vegetables… or something fun for the kids! Anyway to get the fruit and veggies into them 🙂 x
Goldfish Oranges and Lemons 🙂
my son’s fav tv characters out of vegatable to get him to eat more of them
A self portrait as I’d look great as a pumpkin
flowers from cucumber
a peacock because they are beautiful and i think an apple would be good for he job
I would love to do the watermelon flowers
a flower from a melon
I have no imagination whatsoever so this ones hard…just to be quirky Id want to carve a banana into something
Lots of flowers from different fruits
lots of potatoes into lots ofCHIPS
If I were a genius (which I am not) I would like to replicate this amazing carving I saw on a facebook pic where a watermelon had a really intricate pattern on it and the inside had been hollowed out and filled with a beautiful fruit salad!
A waterlily from a kiwi.because I saw one once, so beautiful, and I would be chuffed if I could make one myself
a giraffe from a carrot seems do-able!
A flower out of an apple- its easy.
My artistic limit zigzag edges on a tomato. If I could magic up some skill it would be a face carved in a watermelon!!!
A dolphin out of any vegetable as it’s my favourite animal.
my best is a flower tomato
I’d carve a castle. because my little girl wants to live in one 🙂
a pumpkin at halloween
i’d carve a carrot palace 🙂
I’d attempt a swan
Take That symbol because I love it and them!
not really artistic. would just like to carve some potatoes into chips!
I make apple cats for my son as he rather likes cats at the moment.
Into peppa pig shapes so my youngest would eat more
ive seen people make roses out of tomatoes so would love to try that xxx
A butterfly out of a butternut squash
A carrot so I could see in the dark
My fave animals are cats, so a cat out of a potato 🙂
I would love to be able to carve roses in carrots because they look fab in salads and on the sides ofdishes
an owl out of an owl as i love owls and apples
I’m not very artistic. My limit is carving a face into a pumpkin
Peppa Pig! As it would get my daughter to eat it. Would be a sweet potato or a cabbage
I’d love to be able to carve a dinosaur for my grandson, perhaps a pineapple would be a good fruit to use
If you could carve anything out of a fruit or vegetable what would it be and why?
gosh aren’t you an inventive lot!!
l’m not creative so my first project would be to create a TREE from BROCCOLI, yes l think l could manage that
A swan from a turnip, an underrated vegetable that deserves some beauty
Id like to carve a bacon roll from an apple. Bacon rolls are my weakness – maybe my diet would work better if they had the apples calories tho?!
Ohh good question maybe a flower from a watermelon.
I’d love to make flowers from carrots like they do at my local Thai restaurant
A sponge bob from a pineapple as i think it would be simple(ish) and a great texture
An owl as that would look great (if done well!)
A flower from a carrot
A rose from a radish.
I’d carve heart shaped carrots and put them into a stir fry so I could make a “hearty” meal!
potato into a monkey-yeah right!
Lizard because they are sharp tongued 😉
i dont know; i love dolphins but i cant think of anything the right sort of colour!!!
watermelon in to a tower
mickey mouse in a watermelon – my sons 2 faves!!
something simple!
a lotus flower out of a kiwi fruit
probably a rose
I would carve a tomato into a banana and say to my girl ” see it is a fruit”
Haribo shapes out of a variety of veggies, just to fool the vegaphobics in the house.
oh i am not too artistic.. I could probably manage some stars from something soft like watermelon though 🙂 xx
A cucumber flower
i would love to learn how to do flowers from anything
A flower from a tomato
Flowers, in anything
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A self portrait
A Bunny for Ellie, her favourite 🙂
I would carve a pumpkin into a spooky face.
I.d carve a parsnip into the eiffel tower
A bunny out of a carrot because it’d be cute (and I love bunnies!)
I’d carve my daughters name on a watermellon because it’s her favourite fruit 🙂
The classic Tomato Rose ♥
Basset Hound as we are a dog family
q watermelon in to a rose
an owl out of a watermelon because they’re both cool 😀
An elegant swan out of pineapple!
I’d love to carve a flower, simply because I’ve seen it but it always looks so difficult!
I’d like to be able to carve a flower out of a carrot
A halloween scene out of a pumpkin
Mickey Mouse from a potato my little ones love Mickey
ooh a tomato into a rose xx would be awesome xx
Mini voodoo dolls
The carrot roses look so difficult and pretty at the same time.. knowing me id slice all my finger end’s off too hehe
i would like to do something really diferrent with a pumpkin but dont know what
A reproduction of Warhols Marilyn Monroe painting carved out of a melon
following bloglovin as clair downham
A plane fron a potato
The face of my daughter in a watermelon.
anything fun to help my grandsons eat their fruit and veg
A lion from a carrot
carrot rose
a lantern from a turnip, with room for a candle inside
I’d carve a whistle out of a carrot just because it looks so cool and it would be fun to try
A pumpkin face out of an orange pepper as it would be like a tiny pumpkin
A face out of a pineapple ahhah! 🙂
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I would love to be able to carve a pumpkin for the little ones to take out on Halloween i have never managed to complete one properly lol 🙂
I would try and carve a rose out of a swede because I am so useless at this sort of thing and I could have plenty of goes with a large swede
always liked the swede flowers in the Chinese restaurant, not sure im thar clever though
I’d carve a westie out of a large potato.
I’d carve the Empire State Building from a carrot!
I would try to carve a flower out of an apple because it would look pretty
I’d carve something exciting with a carrot
A poodle out of a turnip
A dog out of a cherry, I have always liked a challenge.
I’d carve a tomato out of a sprout! Might make them more appealing
A bear from a marrow as I love bears!
jack skeleton in a pumpkin x
I’ve always wanted to be able to crave the chickens out of a carrot that our local Chinese restaurant did.
I get my hands on a water melon and have a go at rose
my kids faces
kay panayi
a whistle from a carrot
olga carpenter
a carrot- because they are my favorite
A lotus flower from a melon
A cat – my favourite animal, I would like to carve one out of a giant pumpkin, but I don’t think it would be very good as if I try and cut a slice of bread it always ends up as a triangle!!
I would carve a haggis (the live ones!!) from a turnip – just for a bit of fun.
a banana snake
A dolphin but not sure from which vegetable
A rose out of a carrot
A fruit bowl out of a melon and then fill it with fruit – it would be yummy and my children love fruit salads so they would love this.
a rose from a tomato
A tortoise out of a melon
a snake out of a carrot!
A flower from an apple because it would look pretty
I’d love to carve a caricature of my dog out of a carrot!
I would Carve Elsa from the film Frozen because I would be a hero in my daughters eye.
A carrot into chunks, followed by a parsnip and a large potato…
to put into a casserole… don’t hold with playing with your food 🙂
A potato head from a potato
I would have another go at carving a Halloween lamp
I’d carve a face in a pumpkin….oh wait….. don’t lots of people do that already lol!!!
I would carve a radish into a flower
Id carve a radish to a flower
a face out of a watermelon… why not!
a meerkat because my son loves them so it would make him smile
watermelon whales
i would make peppa pigs
I would love to carve the nativity scene – how fun to create.
a rose from an apple
A phoenix from a cantaloupe melon as we must all learn to rise from the ashes xx
watermelon, i went to Dom Rep years ago, and every dinner time there would be a freshly carved watermelon, they looked amazing, turtles, dolphins etc… love to have a go at it myself
a cat out of a potato because it would be cute!
a swan x
A crocodile from a cucumber 🙂
a water lilly out of a melon ive seen them done, very clever but i cant do it.
a meerkat out of melon, my sons 2 fave things
A turtle from a carrot. I had one in a Chinese restaurant and it was lovely.
A dinosaur for my boys x
I would be ambitious and try and make a sailing boat out of a watermelon!!!!!
A swan from an apple
A swan from an apple, saw Abs doing it on Big Brother!
a tiger on a mango!
Pineapple face!
I would carve a decent pumpkin later this year!
A dolphin out of a melon they do this very often overseas in holiday resorts or on cruise ships they are just amazing would love to have a go myself xxx
I would carve a career out of being the world’s quickest vegetable chopper-upper, so I could earn lots of money!!
I would carve a pig out of a melon or other large fruit/veg as pigs are my favourite animal 🙂
I would carve a pumpkin into a cow because it would make my sister smile
a butterfly from a pepper
A heart from a turnip
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I would carve a flamingo from a carrot cos I could x
Heart from a cabbage
I’d carve a apple out of a turnip
A waterlily-type flower from a tomato. My mum used to do those for me as a kid.
A potato into a jacket
I’d carve a teddy bear out of a potato just out of silliness
Belle (disney princess) from a pineapple – because how impressed would my 5 year old be with that !
An ice cream from cauliflower – anything to get the kids to eat veg
An ice cream from cauliflower – anything to get the kids to eat veg!
A pig out of a pumpkin
id carve funny faces in cucumber to get my kids to eat it
A frog, just because it would be fun
a mario or yoshi face in an apple in the hope connor will eat it !
A tortoise out of a cucumber cos I have a tortoise who loves cucumber 😀
A heart
a horse! just because I love them and they are beautiful x
I would carve a bird house from a butternut squash for the birds in my garden 🙂
A rocket out of a pear for my son
id carve a tree out of a pinaple
Flower of a watermelon.
some nice decorative shapes to make the dinner look nice
a smiley face out of a watermelon
a rose from cucumber
an elephant 🙂
a ship out of melon
a rose out of a radish
I’d carve a spooky ghost from a parsnip because the kids would like me to 🙂
a sheep i adore their cute faces
from samantha prire
Carrot flowers, they look lovely 🙂
I would carve a pumpkin out of a melon 🙂 just to be different
I would love to be able to carve a carrot into a car, my son is obsessed with cars, I hope it would encourage him to eat his carrots
a swan out of an apple i saw this vdeo on facebook a while ago and aways wanted to try it!
I’ve seen in a chinese resturant a swan carved from a utternut squash would love to be able to do this
I’ve seen in achinese resturant swans carved from utternut squash, I would love to be talented enough to do this
I’d carve a scary face out of a potato to frighten my husband!
Would love to carve a flower out of a melon!
I would carve a flower from a carrot
A flower out of a carrot, to make dinner more interesting!
I would make a Palm Tree using a selection of chopped fruit. Kiwi for the leaves, banana for the tree trunk and clementine oranges for the sand.
A fish out of a carrot because I saw a chinese chef do it on TV some years ago and it looked awesomely impressive
I would have a go at an apple swan
A Sontaran potato (Doctor Who reference).
I enjoy making my son’s lunchbox a bit exciting and the fruit and veggies more attractive to him, so we carve all kind of shapes and animals, his favourites are little carvings in the apple skin 🙂
A melon into a flower
Some flowers out of carrots, saw it being done on tv once and it looked really impressive for garnishing a dish so would like to try it myself
A flower from a carrot
A tiger on a watermelon! 😀
A potato elephant
love to try a radish flower they look so cool
A rose from a tomato
I would like to carve a swan out of a Water Melon.
a face out of a pumpkin, mine always go wrong lol xx
watermelon dolphins
A whole zoo of different animals!
Tomato rose
My Face LOL
A Great Danes face cus I love em!
I’d love to carve a tortoise out of a melon
I’d love to create something like this. http://www.zillamag.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Carved-Pumpkins-by-Ray-Villafane-14.jpg. It’s crazy how detailed it is.
I’d love to carve an owl out of a dragon fruit, I saw it done once and looked amazing!
A trombone out of a banana for hubby
A Disney princess from a carrot for my daughter, she loves both.
A rose from an apple – I watch a man in the Maldives carve this and it was beautiful.
Pamela says – nothing fancy – just a simple pumpkin for Halloween as I am useless at carving these properly.
if i could do it then i would want to do something massive and magnificent so maybe a dinosaur out of something like a pumpkin
a swan from an apple. cos that’s so easy 🙂
i carve flowers out of tomato and radish
lisa ann tebbutt
A cupcake out of an apple so I could eat a healthy cupcake
A teddy bear from an apple, just because! 🙂
A lotus flower out of a carrot – always remember seeing them when I went with my family to our local Chinese restaurant as a child
A horse out of a carrot!
With the shockingly bad knives my mum has you’d be lucky to carve anything out of fruit or veg, so would be great to win these for her. Then I might try something contrary like a carrot out of sweet potato.
A Meerkat
I’d little birds out of carrots to decorate salads etc
Natalie Gillham
Swan potato
George Williamson
I would carve a crocodile from a carrot.
as for why.. well why not.. I dont think its been done before and would look amazing.
A cabbage Flower
unicorn from a tomato
my full dinner from a grape 🙂
Id carve a hedgehog out of a kiwi, i think it would look cute
Animal shapes from carrots, apples, pears – just to make fruit and veg more interesting for the little one 🙂
I would carve Cinderellas carriage out of pumpkin !
Flowers like the gorgeous ones you find at Blue elephant thai restaurant, gorgeous
I have absolutely no idea, so I asked my partner. She loves carving pumpkins at halloween, but even she didn’t have any ideas. Oh dear. Sorry! Gorgeous knives though.
Now she says, a viking longboat from a cucumber. Okay then!
I follow on bloglovin, Judith Allen – Lots of luck, not all good
A cat because I love them!