Project 365 – Weeks 37 and 38

Well what a fortnight I’ve had, apologies for the radio silence but I’m back and attempting to resume normal service whatever that may be! So I’m catching up with my Project 365 and have a whopping fortnights worth for you. 

Sunday 7th September 2014

249It was dad of 3’s 40th birthday today and grandma and uncle Jon came to visit and spend some time with us.  We celebrated with a curry (dad of 3’s favourite) Then I decided I really needed to get a wriggle on and start packing for my trip away.  I spent two hours organising my suitcase and weighing it, then adding more clothes!

Monday 8th September 2014

250This morning I took the boys to school with dad of 3 and bid them farewell for the week.  Then once Erin was in meithrin I went to double check I had everything I needed and finished off some last minute things.  Then dad of 3 collected Erin and we had lunch together before I set off on my journey to Heathrow.  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about the trip but I was also very excited.  It was the first time I had spent more than a day away from any of the children but I knew dad of 3 would look after them.  After a five and a half hour drive I arrived at the Premier Inn where I was spending the night and tried to relax.  Then that evening I was joined by the lovely Lisa from Hollybobbs, we’ve been chatting since we discovered we were going on the trip together and I was so glad I would have company to go to the airport etc

Tuesday 9th September 2014

251Eek it’s finally here, the day I’ve been waiting for since I discovered I had won the trip with eleven other bloggers.  Lisa and I managed to find our way to the correct terminal and found my booked valet parking drop off point without too much stress.  This is only the second time I’d flown and my first visit to Heathrow so I felt slightly nervous.  We made our way to the terminal and soon started meeting the other lovely bloggers joining us on our trip ( a few I’ve meet previously) We were met by the lovely Emilia from Mark Warner who was to be our host for the trip.  This was my second trip to Rhodes, I lived and worked out there for four months thirteen years ago as a holiday rep and was thrilled to have the chance to return as I’ve always felt I’d left a little bit of me behind. 

Wednesday 10th September 2014

252Wow what a day we had, we arrived late last night and had a quick bite to eat before heading to our rooms.  We’d had a long journey with a stop at Athens for a couple of hours so everyone was tired.  I had a bit of a wobble when I realised I was so far from home but knew once I got into the activities etc I would be fine.  So this morning I went sailing with some of the girls and had a go at sailing a catamaran for the first time which was great fun.  We had lunch together and then had some free time to explore, relax and enjoy the resort.  I went for a walk and then sat out on my balcony reading in the shade.  Then this evening we all meet for drinks before dinner and enjoyed the stunning views as the sun set.

Thursday 11th September 2014

253Another glorious day in Rhodes, I treated myself to a reflexology treatment at the spa this morning.  Something I wouldn’t usually have the chance to do at home.  Then we had lunch together before we headed off to get ready for our trip to Lindos.  We spent some time exploring the town and the acropolis which has breathtaking views.  We then meet in the towns square before making our way to a lovely little cafe/restaurant for refreshments before making our way back to the bus.

Friday 12th September 2014

254Today was our last full day at Levante Beach, We all headed off to make the most of it after breakfast.  I headed out with Kara and Monika on a sea kayak safari, I had been in two minds about going but decided I may not have the opportunity again and went for it.  I looked a state with my kimono top on to shade my arms and a borrowed baseball cap but we paddled a good mile and a half out around the coast line and had a fab time.   Then this evening we all headed out to Kolumbia the nearby town to enjoy our last dinner together. We seized the chance to get some group pictures together.  Afterwards some of us headed to a local bar for karaoke and dancing.

Saturday 13th September 2014

255 Home time… I can’t believe how quickly our time in Rhodes has gone, I can honestly say I enjoyed every minute of it and enjoyed getting to know the other bloggers on the trip, we’ve made some good friends this week.  The flight home was a bit bumpy but we arrived back at Heathrow safely.  After finding our baggage we bid each other goodbye and went our separate ways.  I managed to make it home in just over four hours which was good but helped due to traveling at night.  It was very strange to be alone after being part of a group all week.

Sunday 14th September 2014

256I was woken by Erin and Rowan first thing, I think they were pleased to have me home and I was hugged and kissed constantly all day with Erin not letting me out of her sight. 

Monday 15th September 2014

257Today was Dad of 3’s last day off thankfully.  Late last night I developed a racing heart ( it woke me up) initially I thought it was a reaction to antibiotics and when it didn’t slow after 40 minutes we rang the out of hours team who sent an ambulance to check me over.  The crew stayed for an hour and a half monitoring me and doing ecg’s.  As my heart rate slowed eventually towards the end of the time they were with me they were happy to let me stay at home and see my gp fist thing.  The children slept through the whole incident thankfully and we eventually managed to sleep.  First thing this morning I saw my gp who did another ECG which was still fast but not as fast as the previous night and took bloods.  I was sent home to rest and wait for results.  So having collected Erin from meithrin I headed to my parents to update them and Erin decided she wanted some exercise!

Tuesday 16th September 2014

258This morning dad of 3 returned to work so it was back to the school run for me.  As we got in the car I spotted one of the bushes next to the car was full of glistening cobwebs and I tired to capture one of them.   I had been told I could work as long as didn’t over do it so spent a couple of hours relaxing before collecting Erin and my minded child from meithrin.  When I returned I had an answerphone message from my gp saying my bloods where all clear apart from my hemoglobin was 9 and it should be between 15 and 18 so this was the cause of my rapid heartbeat! Prednisone tablets prescribed along with taking it easy and increasing iron in diet.  I was so relieved it wasn’t anything else.  

Wednesday 17th September 2014

259This morning saw me making a start on baking cupcakes for my sisters wedding at the weekend.  The plan was to bake for the next couple of mornings while Erin and my minded child where in meithrin then take them to my parents in the evenings.  I managed to bake 111 cupcakes today and was rather proud of myself but when I took them to my parents I discovered no one home so had to sit and wait with them until my mum returned.  Their dog (charlie) was eying them up and I wasn’t risking it so sat and read the local paper.

Thursday 18th September 2014

260aThis morning I had a manicure ready for Saturday and then baked this afternoon while Erin played.  Another trip was made to my parents and when I returned dad of 3 had got the children to sleep so I could have a relaxing bath.  When I got out I found Kitty sitting guard over Erin and Rowan.

Friday 19th September 2014

260Eek the excitement is building, I finished baking the last of the cakes this morning and did the weekly food shop.  After lunch we headed to the reception venue with my mum, sister, her fiance, my brother and two of the other bridesmaids to set up.  We took the opportunity to have a drink and gave my sister her Hen book that everyone had written messages in for her over the two hen parties.  I won’t lie it was emotional and tears where shed!

Saturday 20th September 2014


Today’s the day, my little sister gets married.  I was up early making sure all the children’s things were laid out for Grandma and dad of 3 before heading off to get my hair done with the rest of the bridesmaids.  I popped home to drop my car off then headed down to my parents to get dressed.  I was treated to having my makeup down by Gwen, my younger brother’s fiance. 

The day was fantastic, my sister looked stunning and I had a ball.  I spent time with my aunts and uncles and cousins.  The children were exceptionally well behaved and it was lovely to have so many nice comments about their behaviour.

Well I told you, it’s been a jam packed fortnight with lots of memories made….

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

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