This week I’m playing catch up with my project 365 so have two weeks for you!
Sunday 5th October 2014
While in Swansea yesterday as well as visiting Primark, I popped into Lush and treated myself to some bath bombs and some of Dad of 3’s favourite soap. So after a busy day catching up with chores and looking after a ill Erin, I relaxing bath was called for.
Monday 6th October 2014
A lovely delivery of Christmas activity books arrived today. This one looks great, I can’t wait to get stuck in with the children and make lots of decorations.
Tuesday 7th October 2014
This morning I set about making my first loaf of bread in months! Having made the dough I left it to prove all day and then shaped ready for baking just before dinner so that it could go in straight after dinner was cooked. Everyone was so excited to try some once it had cooled enough that the loaf only lasted an hour!
Wednesday 8th October 2014
The weather the last few days has changed to being cooler and a lot wetter! Erin has been ill with a sickness bug since the weekend and today finally passed the magic 48 hours clear. Unfortunately overnight Rowan developed a nasty chest infection so after a trip to the doctors to confirm and get antibiotics without a prescription I left the younger two at home with dad of 3 who now was also unwell while I went to collect the older two from school. The sky was so threatening and looked like we were in for a downpour but as I walked across the car park a lovely rainbow appeared above the school.
Thursday 9th October 2014
For the first time in almost a week Erin was back to her usual smiley happy self. She loves having her photograph taken and as soon as I sat down to check my emails she grabbed my phone and climbed up onto my lap wanting to take photos. I do hope we’ve seen the last of bugs for a while.
Friday 10th October 2014
Last night we had an awful storm with thunder and lightening, it has to be the worst storm I’ve experienced in a long time. Thankfully the younger two slept through it all. This morning while making breakfast a faint rainbow was spotted, the second in the last three days.
Saturday 11th October 2014
We spent the day making a start on a much needed sort out in the house. The landing had become a bit of a dumping ground over the Summer and I was getting worried about one of the children falling over something and down the stairs. It took four hours and I filled two large sacks for the charity shop, one black bag and a recycling sack but the landing and the bathroom are finally clear again.
Sunday 12th October 2014
Weekends simply aren’t long enough at present! After another day of trying to make headway with sorting rooms out I decided a quiet evening was needed before another busy week starts. So armed with chocolates left from my birthday and a cup of tea I retreated to bed to snuggle up and watch Downtown Abbey.
Monday 13th October 2014
This afternoon after school talk turned to Halloween and dressing up. The boys have always loved dressing up and wasted no time raiding the dressing up box and trying on different costumes. Erin not wanting to be left out opted for Batman’s cloak and made me jump by standing quietly in the kitchen behind me while I was making dinner! I turned round to find her just stood like this!
Tuesday 14th October 2014
Since my visit to Primark where I bought some festive bedding, the boys have been asking for some too. So I found a set for each of the older two boys and they arrived over the weekend. I had to be quiet firm with Trystan about not putting it on his bed until December. However when I returned from Panto practice tonight I discovered him asleep under his Christmas bedding!
Wednesday 15th October 2014
Another wet day here today and we all got soaked on the school run at the end of the day. I always have the urge to snuggle up on the sofa and watch TV when this happens. So after dinner when the younger two were asleep. Myself and the older two boys cwtched up on the sofa to watch Super Vet. What a remarkable man he is too.
Thursday 16th October 2014
After attending Cubs for the last few months, Trystan was invested tonight along with another Cub. He was so pleased, now I just have to sew the badges on!
Friday 17th October 2014
Last weekend we had some fun and games with our rabbit sooty. She had managed to burrow all the way under her hutch, under the fence and into next doors garden, where she was found sat on their lawn! So we carried out a quick refill job until the weather allowed us to completely fill in. So this afternoon after school I did just that and moved the hutch to a new location to stop her re-digging the burrow. Lets hope she doesn’t try it again!
Saturday 18th October 2014
Today has seen more sorting and moving furniture. Part of which involved measuring furniture we wanted to sell as we’re replacing it. Maths has never been my strong point and dad of 3 tends to do most of it but with dad of 3 not here today I decided to have a go myself! So a five minute job turned into over an hour thanks to a very poorly marked tape measure and four children all trying to help! Needless to say Dad of 3 found it hilarious when I filled him in!
I hope you’ve all had a good week what ever you’ve been doing.
Homemade bread is the best! Love the rainbows, beautiful 🙂
Sorry to hear about the poorly kids. Lovely to see your little Cub being invested.
I love a trip to Lush and I am well overdue one I think.
Just left a comment and it disappeared as spam! Lol! Great rainbow shots. Lush is lush but oh the smells from the store! So strong! 😉 The Christmas decorations book looks great x #365
The Batman outfit is so cool. We so need a huge clear out too. I am going to do it tomorrow i think!! Some charity shop visits needed desperately!
What a catch up!!! I’m a huge Chrsitmas fan so I’m loving the bedding!!! xx
Thanks for linking up to Project 365.
Oh, I miss Lush…and homemade bread.