This week has been a jammed packed one for me. I actually would quite like an extra day this weekend to help me recover! The weather has changed this week and become colder than we’ve had in a long time, winter is defiantly here and the countdown to Christmas is almost here!
Sunday 9th November 2014
This morning I took part in the local Remembrance Sunday parade with the older two boys. All the cubs, beavers and scouts who marched with us did so well and I felt very proud to be with them. Next year I shall be in Uniform as a fully enrolled Cub Scout leader! After warming up with a nice cuppa I decided to make a start on sorting out our bedroom in the hope it will be done before Christmas! Our room tends to be a bit of a dumping ground especially over the last few weeks as I’ve been concentrating on sorting out downstairs.
Monday 10th November 2014
Today was our annual Winter fair, the boys school was closed and I had a day off work. I had booked the children in for their six monthly dental check up first thing and all were well behaved. As it was dry we decided to have a quick walk around the stalls which had been set up along the streets and the traffic stopped. Then we headed home where the boys watched tv and I did some house work before lunch. Then my brother arrived to surprise the children and we headed back into town to enjoy some of the rides. The November fair always seems to mark the start of the Christmas countdown for me and has done every since I was a child.
Tuesday 11th November 2014
I treated myself to some new pj’s today. I love this Fox print from Next and their so comfortable. I really didn’t want to get out of them again the next morning!
Wednesday 12th November 2014
Another wet day here and it poured down. So when the boys got home from school I decide to make scotch pancakes for us all. They always go down a treat and are perfect for warming you up on chilly days! This evening it was the older two’s parents evening so the younger two went to my parents for an hour until dad of 3 could pick them up.
Thursday 13th November 2014
After a busy morning doing some training, Erin, myself and my mum set off for London. Where we attended the preview of #hogwartsinthesnow at the Warner Brother Studio Tour. We had a lovely couple of hours there and left feeling very festive.
Friday 14th November 2014
This morning when it was time to check out from our hotel, Erin insisted on taking her own suitcase rather than using the pushchair! She had a lot of other guests and staff commenting on how sweet she was! We set off on our journey home in awful weather and poor visibility which made the short time on the M25 rather a nightmare. Thankfully once on the M4 the weather improved and we made good progress. Erin was so good during the whole journey. Even when we had to stop off at a meeting with my mum for an hour before we could make the final leg home!
Saturday 15th November 2014
We had a very lazy morning as I was still very tired after our trip to London. Dad of 3 treated me to breakfast in bed and occupied the children. Then after lunch I took the three boys to the local theatre to watch The Queen’s Knickers! It was a great play and also a nice opportunity to spend time with just the boys after being away.
I hope you’ve had a good week ….
i watched the Remembrance Day on tv-it was really moving to see all those who were there and how significant being there was for them.
Love those fox PJs and very jealous of your visit to Warner Studios. We went when it first opened and want to go back!