Zesty Mini Lemon Drizzle Cakes with Lemon Curd

I’m always baking for the family and one cake that gets requested a lot both by the children, dad of 3 and my own dad is my Lemon Drizzle cake.  Another favourite is my mini Victoria Sponge cakes so I decided to mix both together and try a new take on the two favourites.    They ‘ve proved a big hit here over the last couple of days so I thought I would share them with you.   These Zesty Mini Lemon Drizzle Cakes with Lemon Curd would make the perfect addition to your Easter celebrations. 

mini lemon drizzle cakes 2

Ingredients: makes 24 cakes

Prep time – 15 minutes     Baking time  – approx 20 minutes

225g butter ( I used Anchor)

225g Caster Sugar

4 free range eggs

225g self-raising flour

finely grated zest of one lemon

For the drizzle:

85g Caster Sugar

the juice of 1 and a half lemons


Lemon Curd


1. Place twelve cake cases each in two muffin trays (giving you 24 cakes).  Heat the oven to  180c fan oven /Gas mark 4.

2. Beat the butter and caster sugar together until fluffy and creamy.

3. Beat in four free range eggs.

4. Fold in the Self Raising Flour and mix together.

5. Add in the finely grated zest of lemon and mix through. 

6. Spoon the mixture into the cake cases.  Try to put an even amount in each – I used a desert spoon in each case.

7. Bake for approximately 20 minutes or until the cakes are golden brown. ( If you want to check with a skewer, it should come out clean)

8. While the cakes are baking mix together the Caster Sugar and Lemon Juice for the drizzle.

9. As soon as the cakes come out of the oven  drizzle about a teaspoon of the drizzle mixture over the top of each cake.  You can prick the tops of the cakes with a fork before you put the drizzle mix on,  if you wish which will help the drizzle mixture absorb into the cake.  Then set to one side to cool. 

10. Once the cakes have cooled, carefully remove from the cake cases.  I found that the cases help the drizzle to set and stay in place. 

11.  Carefully cut each cake in half.

12. Take about a teaspoon of lemon curd (you can use more if you like) and spread over the bottom half of each cake.

13. Place the tops of the cakes back on top of the lemon curd.

Now enjoy this zesty little treat

zesty mini drizzle cakes with lemon curd

1 thought on “Zesty Mini Lemon Drizzle Cakes with Lemon Curd

  1. HonestMum says:

    They are so soft and moist and utterly perfect. Thanks for linking up to #tastytuesdays

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