It’s October, how did that happen?! This Summer was full of fun packed adventures, work and cramming in as many memories as possible. But as quickly as it started it was over and I was left feeling sad when the children headed back to school. Yes there had been tears and tantrums but looking back the fun we had far out weighed them. We didn’t let the bad weather stop us going out and about and exploring either. In fact these days are some that I have fonder memories off.
When I was growing up I would be out all weathers and often only returning for food and bed. But somehow along the many years that have passed from my youth this has been lost by the younger generation. For the last couple of Summers I have ensured that we have gone out for at least an hours fresh air each day and achieved that apart from when it was very wet but this year I was more determined to go out no matter what the weather. The first time the protests from the children were very loud however the planned trip out was pond dipping at a National Trust property and as I pointed out they were in their waterproofs and had their wellies on and would be in water so the fact it was raining would make little difference! In fact the majority of the time we were there the rain stopped until just before we were ready to leave and on the way back they all admitted they had had a fun time.
I had a fortnight off over the holidays a week at either end where I hoped I would have time to sit and relax, to write blog posts and enjoy lazy mornings and days in pjs. But inevitably it was taken up with shopping for school shoes, uniform, catching up on house work or various appointments. I was full of good intentions but sadly just simply didn’t have the time to do everything I wanted to.
Another thing I promised myself at the beginning of the Summer was that I would get better at having ‘me’ time. Yes I have the odd five minutes here and there but I am constantly on the go and so many people have remarked to me over the last few months that they don’t know how I do everything I do! It’s certainly something I can’t keep going because it can’t be good for me and if it’s not good for me then it’s not good for my family. So while the older two spent some time with their grandma I decided to finally attempt to learn to crochet, something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. With the help of some you tube tutorials I managed to make some granny squares which I then used to make a blanket for Rowan. Then of course the others wanted blankets made for them too! So I have since completed one for Erin and almost finished Trystan’s. Then in the middle I attempted granny square stars and Christmas Tree’s and then some very cute pumpkins. I am so pleased at the progress I’ve made so far in a short space of time. I may have driven dad of 3 round the bend with it but I’ve found it so relaxing, it’s given me something to focus on made me slow down a bit.
Last month saw the return to the school routine, to Luc starting secondary school and new children starting with me for childminding. It’s been fun and challenging all in one, I’ve added two new pick ups to the end of the school day which at times was stressful but now are okay. Seeing children developing and growing is something I will never tire off be that my own children or those I care for, it’s a privileged position. I continue to volunteer with the local Cubs and am now in uniform, something I haven’t been for many years since I was a Guider. But again it is something I am relishing, the young people who attend are lovely and I’m learning something at each meeting. We also welcomed four new chickens to our flock and they have quickly made themselves at home.
So far October has seen me catching up with good friends and more organising and sorting out at home. I’m continuing to try to make time for myself, I decided on a last-minute hair cut this week when I had a couple of hours free and I have almost finished a book I started back in May (yes I know it’s taken me a long time!) longer than usual but I won’t be letting that happen again, reading is another thing I do to relax. Also I have started working on a Christmas Gift Guide and giveaway to share with you all next month. So please bear with me, I’ve not disappeared and will be posting as much as possible.
I hope your Summer was filled with fun and memories and that the coming months will be too.
Good on you for making time for yourself, it isn’t always easy to do when you have children to look after, food to cook and a house to tidy, add a blog into the equation and there is time for nothing at all!
I really need to find some time to have a haircut, it needs doing and it will be lovely to sit in that hairdressers chair with no one nagging or asking me how to do things!
Well done for making some me time. Think I need to work on that too. Sounds like you had a good summer. I also can’t believe it’s almost mid October too. I don’t know where the time is going. Looking forward to reading your Xmas gift guide x
What a lovely catch up! Glad you’re making more time for yourself, it took me April-August to read a really good book so I know how hard it can be! I love your crochet, especially the pumpkin. I may get round to actually learning one day! I’ll look forward to you gift guide too, times going so fast xx