This year we decided not to buy any fireworks of our own, mainly due to the fact we didn’t want to distress our chickens and cats. But also the weather forecast wasn’t looking too promising. This year’s Bonfire Night also fell on a Thursday which is our usual Cubs meeting night, so myself and Trystan would be there.
However on Thursday evening after waiting for twenty-five minutes at the Cub hut with the other leaders no one turned up, it’s something we had anticipated happening so we weren’t surprised. I had already had a chat with one of the other leaders and we had agreed if no one turned up we would go over to St Dogmaels, a little village just outside Cardigan, where they were having a fireworks display. I had mentioned it to dad of 3 too and we both felt it would also be nice to spend some time just Trystan and I. So I decided to drive Trystan, myself and two of the other leaders over to the display.
As we manged to find a space to park the fireworks started to go off and Trystan was eager to get to the display ground which was in the village playing field. It had been pouring all day but thankfully it had stopped around 6pm and seemed to be holding off. We made our way down a narrow footpath watching the fireworks going off. When we got down to the actual display I was pleased to see it was very busy and as we made our way through the spectators I saw several people we know.
The fireworks last about fifteen minutes and were a fantastic display of colour. I kept getting glimpses of Trystan’s face which was a picture every time the fireworks went off. After the display one of the leaders we were with very kindly treated Trystan to a hot dog and a mulled wine for me. I’d forgotten how nice mulled wine is and it certainly warmed me up. By this time it has started to drizzle lightly but there were still a lot of people standing around and chatting or waiting for hot dogs so we decide to stay and have a chat for a bit, it would also give others the chance to move their cars without everyone trying to do it at the same time. I think the whole atmosphere added to the fireworks, it was lovely seeing the community come together.
With mulled wine and hot dogs consumed we headed back to my car, waiting had been the right decision because all the cars that had been parked around mine had now gone. We dropped the other leaders off on our way home and as we drove through the town we watched as more fireworks were set off from various places. Trystan and I told dad of 3 all about the fireworks when we got home and Trystan agreed he had enjoyed himself.
I hope whatever you did this Bonfire, you had a lovely time and stayed safe.
Sounds like you had a lovely impromptu evening. Love watching fireworks. #countrykids
Sounds like a wise decision to go on to the bonfire display. Our scouting movement always cancel scouts if the night clashes as they know no one will turn up, sounds like a plan for you next year. Looks like the display was really impressive and a treat for Trystan, with hot dogs and mulled wine it sounds like a perfect end to the evening too. Thank you for sharing with me on Country Kids.