When the older two boys first reached an age where they could play with toys it soon became apparent that a lot of the toys they wanted or had required batteries. It was something that meant an added cost especially if it was a toy they played with a lot. However one birthday one the boys was given a vehicle from WOW Toys and we were pleased to find it didn’t require batteries. The vehicle was a huge hit both the boys and over the last couple of years we have added more WOW Toys vehicles to our collection.
Then when Erin started to explore toys and wanting to join in with her brothers she would play with the vehicles and figures too. That is until a couple of months ago when she suddenly started saying she wanted a pink car to play with. This happened more often especially if playing with the children I child mind and she would quickly lose interest in what they were playing and wonder off. So when the lovely people at WOW Toys got in touch and asked if we would like to try some of their toys I jumped at the chance and took the opportunity to choose some pink ones for Erin!
I choose Whiz-Around Amy which costs £12.99 and Cupcake Chloe which costs £13.19. When they arrived a couple of days later I put the box to one side for Erin to open when she got home from school that lunchtime. Then after lunch I helped her open the box, at first she wasn’t sure but when she took the boxes out of the outer box she started squealing ” a pink one, for me!” and giggling. She quickly asked me to open the boxes so she could take a closer look. It’s been a while since I last bought a WOW Toy and I was struck by how easy it was to remove the vehicles and figures from their packaging. There was no need to use scissors or screwdrivers and there was no excessive ties of packaging.
As soon as all the pieces were out of the boxes Erin started to look them over and then play with them. She spent the next hour and a half playing with them, carrying them into the play room and hiding them in a corner when her brothers came home from school because she didn’t want them to play with them. She actually hid them so well that her brothers didn’t spot them until the next day when she was sat playing with them again.
Some three weeks since they arrived Erin is still fiercely protective of her toys and hasn’t let anyone else play with them despite my best effort to get her to share. She will play along side her brothers and the other children with them but as far as she is concerned at the moment they are only hers! I’m hoping that this will change given time. Erin has used the two sets of vehicles and figures to play with some of her other toys too.
WOW Toys are suitable for children 1.5 years to 5 years old although my older ones have also been known to still play with our ones. They are the perfect size for little hands and aid fine motor development and coordination and as I said earlier they do not need batteries. I also like the bright colours used for the vehicles, figures and buildings, I think they appeal to children and make them cheerful. WOW Toys are available to buy from Amazon and all good retailers.
Along with the two sets we were also very kindly sent one of WOW Toys Advent Calendars, Wonderland to try. WOW Toys have several advent Calendar available including Farmyard and Town. They also have some countdown calendaas which help your child countdown to a special event, be that a birthday or other occasion.
I haven’t let Erin open the Wonderland Calender yet as it’s an advent one and I just can’t bring myself to open it before. I know it sounds silly but I can’t get passed it. I can’t wait to watch Erin open it during Advent and I will be sharing photographs of the contents everyday on my instagram feed, so if you want to see what’s inside make sure you are following me here
The WOW Toys Advent Calender cost £24.99 and again are available from Amazon and other good retailers. I’m looking forward to seeing Erin’s face each day as she discovers what’s behind each door.
Disclaimer: We were very kindly sent the lovely advent calendar and toys by WOW Toys for the purpose of this post however the contents is 100% my own.