Review – Teletubbies Pull and Play Giant Noo-Noo

This year saw the return of the Teletubbies which has once again brought enjoyment to children of all ages.  I remember watching the Teletubbies the first time around and think it’s lovely that I can now watch it with my own children.  It’s great to see them enjoying the new series and listening to them laughing at the fun.  The revival sees new characters join the teletubbies which add to the fun and learning opportunities.

The range of Teletubbie toys is great and the highlight of the range is this fantastic Teletubbies Pull and Play Giant Noo-Noo.


We were lucky enough to be sent one to try out and I have to say from the moment it arrived it has been a huge hit.  Not only with Erin but also with all the children I look after.  I intially thought it would be more suitable for the twenty three month old I look after and that she would play with it more but I was completely wrong.  Although the little one has loved playing with it Erin and the other two four year olds have played with it just as much.  They all love the sounds and music Noo-Noo makes and it has resulted in hours of enjoyment for them all.

The Pull and Play Noo-Noo features a six piece shape sorter on one side and a 3d character jigsaw on the other.  Noo-Noo even picks up a custard splat that’s magnetic and slurps! There are also four buttons to press along the top which feature different Teletubbie speech and sound effects.   When you pull Noo-Noo along his googly eyes move.

noo-noo pic

The shape sorter and 3d puzzle have been played with by all the children and they take it in turns to pull him along and slup up the custard splat.  On days when I have the twenty three month old she makes a bee line for Noo-Noo and will sit pressing the buttons to hear the teletubbie sounds before playing with the shape sorter.  Then Erin or one of the other four year olds will join here to play, usually one doing the 3d puzzle and the other the shape sorter before swapping over.

The chunky pieced of the shape sorter and the 3d puzzle are easy to handle for younger children and help develop hand-eye coordination, as well as shape and colour recognition.  It also helps children are also developing their spatial awareness which basically means they have an organised knowledge of objects in ones space.  So they have to understand that they have to move their arm and hand towards the shapes to pick them up and then put the shapes in the correct space.  It also means that when pulling Noo-Noo along they have to be aware of the route they are taking and any hazards around them.  These are all things that take practice which is what Pull along Noo-Noo gives them.

erin noo-noo pics

I have even caught the three boys checking Noo-Noo out when they think they’ve not been seen which is very sweet.  But shows that Pull along Noo-Noo appeals to all ages despite the 18 month to 4 year age range that it is recommended for.  Pull along Noo-Noo has certainly become a valuable resource here and has provided so much enjoyement so far which I am sure will continue.

Teletubbies Pull and Play Giant Noo-Noo retails are £49.99 and is available from This may seem expensive but I personally think that for the educational and play value it is well worth the price tag.

Disclaimer:  We were sent Teletubbie Pull and Play Giant Noo-Noo for the purpose of this post however the content is 100% my own.

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