If your a regular reader of Mum of 3 Boys, you will know that Doc McStuffins is one of Erin’s favourite programmes. So I who was I to refuse when I was asked if she would like to try out the brand new Toy Hospital Bag set. Erin was so excited when she arrived home to find the set waiting for her.
Dottie or Doc as she is known has been transported to McStuffinsVille to become the chief resident at the Toy Hospital and for such an important role she needs a new doctor’s bag to help toys from all over the world. The Toy Hospital Doctor’s Bag set comes complete with a light up stethoscope, doctors badge, syringe, plasters and other tools.
Erin wasted no time and set about giving all her toys check ups and taking care of those she found to be unwell. She insisited in dressing up in the Doc Mcstuffins Doctors Role play kit too as she said it made her a proper doctor like Doc! Over the last fortnight she has spent most of her time playing doctors with her toys and using the Doctors bag set.
This set wil make the perfect gift for a Doc McStuffins fan so that they help their toys too just like Doc and at £19.99 it’s a great price too. The Toy Hospital Doctors Bag Set is available from Smyths Toys
Disclaimer: We were sent the Toy Hospital Doctor’s Bag set for the purpose of this post however the content is 100% my own.