When I was asked a couple of weeks ago if we would like to try the new Marvel Battleworld game from Funko games, I jumped at the chance. The boys and dad of 3 are Marval fans so I was interested to see what they made of Battleworld. Marvel Battleworld is a collectible tabletop game which contain exclusive collectible Marvel figures.

Inside each Marvel Battleworld battle ball you will find two collectible Marvel Hero figures, Hero Cards, Battle Cards and a dice. What makes it fun is that you don’t know which heros you have until you open up the battle ball.

You also recieve a set of game rules that also show the Marvel heros you can collect. R was keen to play Battleworlds but found the rules a bit daunting to read himself so with a bit of help from dad of 3 they read them together and R was away.
The first game R played took him about twenty minutes as he was getting to grips with how the game is played. But with the help of the ‘how to play’ video that can be found on Funko’s website here he soon got the hang of it. As soon as he finished playing the first game he wanted to play again using the Hero he had from the Thanos stone so played again. This time it only took him about fifteen minutes to complete the game. R was soon asking me if he could have another Marvel Battleworld battle ball so he could increase his hero squad and battle cards. After he had played a couple of times R turned his attention to the instruction leaflet and the chart of collectibles availble. He has since asked me several times if he can have more Marvel Battleworlds for christmas so he’ll have to wait and see!

In the meantime he has been happily playing with the battleworld battle ball he has. I personally like the fact that the Battleworld battle balls are small enough that they are portable and that means R can take it with him to play anywhere he wants. Another plus is that each Battleworld Battle ball has a place at the top and bottom where you can display your hero’s meaning you can show off your hero squad. I can see R is going to want to try and collect them all and to be honest if it continues to provide the entertainment it has so far Im all for it! Rather than getting up and asking to go on his devices R has actually entertained himself playing Battleworld and he has even taught his sister to play. So it’s a proven to be a hit here with R and his siblings.

Marvel Battleworld Battle Balls cost £6.99 each and you can even buy mega packs which cost £17.99. Which makes this a really avoidable game to play.
Disclaimer: We were sent a Marvel Battleworld battle ball for the purpose of this post however the content is 100% my own.