I was recently asked if I would like to review a Photo personalised story book from https://www.itsyourstory.co.uk/ I jumped at the chance. I’ve previously looked at personalised storybooks and loved the idea but never actually bought one.
I was asked too supply a high resolution photograph of Rowan to use in the selected story and also answer a few questions which were child’s name who was starring in the book, a message that was no more than 40 characters which would appear in the front of the book and finally a delivery name, address and contact number. I spent ages trying to find an up to date photo of Rowan to use but in the end I decided to take a new one. So after his nap the following day I managed to get a lovely photo suitable to use, good job Rowan’s a little poser!
Once I had uploaded the photo and sent them through to https://www.itsyourstory.co.uk/ all I could do was sit back and wait for the book to arrive. How exciting I could’nt wait to see what the book was like and Rowan’s little face when he saw it. I didn’t have to wait long as three days later the book arrived. The minute I opened the package and saw Rowan’s cheeky little face starring back at me, I was thrilled. I was sent ‘Rowan and the Dressing Up Box’, as I continued to read through the book, I was delighted. Some of the picture’s Rowan’s face had been added to looked so natural, you could’nt help but smile.
When Rowan woke from his nap, I could’nt wait to see his reaction. It took him a few seconds to realise it was him in the pictures. He then jumped up on my lap and handed me the book wanting it read. When dad of 3 arrived home that evening, Rowan ran to the front door, book in hand and chatting away excitedly at his dad. Rowan insisted his dad sat down and read the book to him. Dad of 3 was really impressed with the book too. The following evening when I went round to visit my parents, Rowan quickly put his book under the pushchair and once there could’nt get out of the pushchair fast enough to show his granny and dadcu. Unfortunately poor Dadcu seemed a little puzzled by his grandson being in a book and asked “Is it going to be published?”!
Everyone who has seen the book has been thrilled by it and it has become a firm favourite at bedtime for Rowan. We are so pleased with this personalised book and only wish we had got one sooner. They make fantastic keepsakes for any child and I’m sure Rowan will treasure his story for years to come.
https://www.itsyourstory.co.uk/ have a range of fantastic books for you to choose from. Ranging from books for girls, books for boys, books for adults and even books for wedding/anniversary. They even do party invites and calenders, so your bound to find one for you. These make fantastic birthday presents, any child would be thrilled to star in their very own story.
The book I was sent cost £19.99, for this you get a 28 page story with your child’s name mentioned 7 times and their face appearing 12 times throughout the book. This seems to be the avarage cost of the books available with several being cheaper. I think that for the quality and the endless enjoyment these books bring it is well worth the price. They do state that delivery is 7 to 12 days.
If you would like further details on the books available or to order your own photo personalised story please visit https://www.itsyourstory.co.uk/