Well I’ve now come to the end of my 30th week of pregnancy, the last week has been full of mixed emotions as I have finished work to start maternity leave. Initially I wanted to work for a further couple of weeks but now the time has come I am thankful I am finishing now as am getting tired and uncomfortable. However I am really going to miss the little ones I have been caring for as they have been part of the family for such a long time now. I know Rowan is going to miss his little friends. I’m not ashamed to say I had a little cry on Friday after they had left but I know I will keep in touch and we hope they will return to me at the end of my maternity leave.
The start of my maternity leave means I am finally going to be able to start getting organised with both the house, any outstanding paperwork I have and baby things. Rowan will be starting Meithrin daily now Monday to Friday instead of only the days I wasn’t working so I will be able to have some quality time with him in the mornings and then a couple of hours to myself. It certainly will be strange to have a quiet house for a few hours a day but will be very welcome. Thankfully Rowan has settled well in meithrin despite the few odd tears when arriving, he always comes out smiling and hapEditor=falsees it easier.
Last Wednesday the local Children’s Centre’s breastfeeding support group, where I am a Mother Supporter, held a fund raising coffee morning. We’re a small group at present but every week we are gaining more interest and new mums. We had a few stalls with local business’s Bum Deal Nappies and Cariad Mam Maternity and Nursing Bras. One of our other mums also brought along some breastfeeding aprons her mum makes. We also had a volunteer from the Red Cross come along and give us massages, which were heavenly. Its always great to see new mums and dads coming along to these events and its such a good feeling to know we are able to support them in their breastfeeding journey. I would love to hear of your experiences of breastfeeding too.
Enjoy your maternity leave. Keepy well. xx
Oh it’s going so quickly, enjoy your time off, and the time to yourself! xx