Beehive cake for Father’s Day

A few weeks back on a trip to Asda with my mum and Rowan we found a lovely cake of a man sat in front of a garden shed and thought it would make a lovely gift for my dad from the children for Father’s Day. Unfortunately when we tried to get one this week they had sold out. So I had to go back to the drawing board.

Initially I did a shout out for a local cake maker who may be able to help but decided to have a look online for some ideas as well. Several local people came forward offering their services and I have to say there is certainly some very talented people out there. After having a think and chatting to dad of 3 I decided to attempt making a cake myself. My dad has been keeping bees for about three years now so I decided to attempt a bee hive cake as the boys thought their Dadcu (grandad) would like one.

So one Friday afternoon having visited my local cake decorating shop to pick up a few bits and having stopped by my parents to get some eggs ( they have six chickens) I set about making three large Madeira cakes. My plan was to use one large cake as the base and then have two tiered cakes on top. Once these were baked I left them to cool over night.

On Saturday morning I then cut two of the cakes to size and used strawberry jam to stick the tiers together. Again I left them to settle for a few hours while we went to the boys football clubs presentation. When we returned I used yellow royal icing to cover the cake. I had to do it in several phases and spent ages trying to smooth the icing out so you could not see the joins! Then with the bits of left over royal icing I made bee shapes. I had bought some black edible paint and used it to paint black strips and eyes on the bees. I then carefully covered the cake and bees and left them to dry over night. Then this morning after breakfast I used some icing flowers and wafer flowers to decorate the cake. I used some petals from two of the flowers to make the bees wings. Finally I made up a little icing to use as a glue to stick some of the bees to the cake. When Trystan saw the cake he quickly said it was the “best cake I’ve seen mummy, your clever!” 

I have to say I’m really quite pleased with how it turned out. The boys also made Dadcu a bee shaped card. After lunch were all got in the car and went down the road to my parents with the cake and card. Dad of 3 had to hold the cake carefully on his lap. When we arrived the boys ran to look for Dadcu who was sitting in his conservatory. I carefully carried the cake into him and the boys shouted surprise! Dadcu was thrilled with the cake. The boys quickly asked if they could have a bee each to eat! And then went off to see the chickens! Ten minutes later they were back asking for cake! So Dadcu set about cutting into the cake for them. 
The boys insisted Dadcu and Granny had cake too. The cake went down very well and I’m very proud of my beehive cake!

1 thought on “Beehive cake for Father’s Day

  1. SusanKMann says:

    wow that’s incredible. Way to go you x

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