On Monday 3rd September HIT entertainment brings you a brand new Thomas and Friends adventure is released on dvd, called ‘Blue Mountain Mystery’. We have been lucky enough to get our hands on a copy to review this week.
Rowan loves Thomas the Tank and even the older two although they will not admit it enjoy Thomas and Friends adventures. Thankfully this week we had plenty of opportunity to sit and watch ‘Blue Mountain Mystery’. This latest adventure introduces both old and new characters and transports you to new destinations were the action unfolds. From start to finish all three boys were glued to the dvd and Rowan especially really got into the storyline.
“In this latest adventure, the Fat Controller sends Thomas to work at the Blue Mountain Quarry where Thomas spots an engine he’s never seen before trying to hide. Determined to get to the bottom of the mystery, Thomas tracks down and befriends Luke who tells Thomas he’s hiding because he did something that’s so bad he could be sent away from the Island of Sodor forever! Thomas does not believe this and sets off on a journey to discover the story of this poor runaway engine. On the way he learns of engines brought to Sodor from faraway lands and an accident in Brendan Docks where an engine fell into the sea. But only when he’s learned every piece of the story can Thomas convince his new friend that there is no reason to hide.” (taken from the press release)
When the dvd had finished I asked the boys if they enjoyed it and even Trystan who initially did not want to watch it admitted he had enjoyed it. I think he may have a few years of Thomas the Tank in him yet! Rowan was very excited by the new characters and the action in the CG animated film. So I think its pretty safe to say ‘Blue Mountain Mystery’ has been a hit with all three boys. This is a must for all Thomas Fans and is a lovely film to watch as a family.
‘Blue Mountain Mystery’ is available from all good retailers from Monday 3rd September 2012 and the rrp is £12.99. For all Thomas fans you can also visit www.thomasandfriends.com
where you can learn more about Thomas and his friends, find activities and lots more.
I have very kindly been given two copies of ‘Blue Mountain Mystery’ to giveaway to two lucky people. All you have to do is enter via rafflecopter below
Congratulations to the two winners and thank you to everyone who entered. Winners could you please email me on welshmumof3@gmail.com with your details so I can have your prize sent out.
Has to be Thomas! Like Gordon too though (even if he is a bit grumpy!).
I follow with gfc as mummy24
Thomas 🙂 xx
Cranky because he is grumpy!
It has to be Thomas, he can be so cheeky
Toby (well lets say, he’s square!) x
Bash and Dash, they always make me giggle, however my 3 year old Thomas mad son loves Grumpy Gordon! x
Tweeted @cheznal x
The fat controller 🙂
My 3 year old and I love sweet little Emily! @lynnychops
The fat controller
Emily – but I’m biased as its my daughter Emily’s favourite
Gordon – reminds me of me 🙂 😀 Good luck to everyone x
We love james
He might not be very well known, but we love Buster the steamroller :-)!
It has to be Gordon!
thomas x
Diesel 🙂
Thomas 🙂
Thomas 🙂
Thomas xx
My 3 yo’s favourite is Thomas. Thomas wellies, Thomas slippers, and Thomas PJ’s
Mine is Thomas
Thomas for the kids
I like James as he is always cheerful!
The Fat Controller!
The fat controller I sympathise with him
My favourite’s Percy, only because he’s green. We like all of Thomas’ friends here lol.
We all love thomasxx
Percy 🙂
Thanks for hosting the comp hun.
Jade – Unique Mummy Blog xx
Thomas its my little boys too (I loved Thomas since we visited him when I was little lol)
Ethan’s is Thomas 🙂
Sam loves them all, makes visiting any toy shop very difficult lol
The Fat Controller
Percy – Thomas’ best friend and my Grandad’s name 🙂
Thomas here 🙂
I like Cranky the Crane.
I really like James
James and Skarloe!
Thomas 😀
Percy is by far the best character of all time
Thomas he is the best!
Fat controller
Annie & Clarabell ( if I have to pick just one though I’ll go with annie! )
Thomas 🙂
We love Harold Helicopter 🙂 x
My son Ryan LOVES Thomas x He runs around the house shouting “Choo Choo” He’s a huge Thomas fan x
Got to go with Percy
my son likes Kevin and Victor
The fat controller
percy and cranky
Cranky the Crane
Percy 🙂 x
She’s not in it very often but my daughter loves Rosie – purely because that’s her name!!
Well it obviously has to be Thomas!
lady from thomas and the magical rail road film
you’ve got to love thomas. although when i was a child i always loved james
Percy! 🙂