Since starting in primary school the boys have been taking part in the school’s Easter egg hunt. Each child at the school is asked to take at least one hard boiled egg into school by a certain date. Then usually the last day of term there is a Easter egg hunt held for the children around the school. The children are also asked to get sponsored for the event and there is usually a prize for the best decorated egg. This year they are also having an Easter Bonnet competition. Children are also invited to decorate their hard boiled eggs if they like. Over the last few years the older two boys have enjoyed decorating their eggs and each year have tried something different.
So over the weekend the boys sat down with dad of 3 and started discussing how they would like to decorate their eggs. Luc and Trystan really wanted to do something different this year so after much discussion they decided they would like to decorate their eggs as superheros. Luc wanted Iron Man and Trystan wanted The Hulk.
Dad of 3 helped them draw the outline of the character’s faces with pencil onto each of the eggs. Then the boys carefully starting painting their eggs. Once done, they put them out of reach of the younger two’s little fingers to dry. While the eggs dried the boys went to look for some felt and bits they could use to decorate the eggs with. Dad of 3 helped cut out bits of felt and wadding to use and helped the boys stick them on in the right places ( a bit of a fiddly job which needed a few hands!) I took the younger two upstairs for a bath while dad of 3, Luc and Trystan finished off the eggs.
This morning when I came down stairs I found Luc and Trystan waiting to show me their eggs. I really wasn’t expecting them to be so good, what do you think?
wowt these look great!