We were recently sent some bath time products by Munchkin to try out. We were sent 6 Grippy Dots and a set of 36 Bath Letters and Numbers. All the children love bath time and I’m always looking for new ways to engage them in learning their numbers and letters so this seemed a good idea.
So that night I secured the Grippy Dots on the bottom of the using the suction cups on them. I was only able to use them on one end of the bath as Erin’s bath seat wouldn’t attach over them. One of the spots, the orange with red spots in our packs case also doubles as a temperature gauge. When placed in water that is too hot for children the word Hot appears in white to indicate that the water is too hot. I then ran the bath as usual, got the two youngest ready to get in.
Erin loves bath time with her brothers and is just starting to really enjoy bath toys. Having enjoyed the bubbles for ten minutes I emptied the letters and numbers in to the bath for them to explore. Rowan quickly worked out he could stick the wet letters and numbers on the side of the bath and the wall. I encouraged him to count with me as he stuck the numbers in order on the side, we counted them in English and then in Welsh. Erin had a lovely time exploring the shape and texture of the various letters. We then moved on to spelling out the children’s names on the side of the bath. I was surprised at how well the letters and numbers stuck to the tiles and side of the bath once wet.
After about twenty minutes I got Erin out of the bath and removed her seat and placed the last grippy spots in the bath. Then the older two joined Rowan in the bath. Not surprisingly both older boys were keen to have a turn with the letters and numbers. The three boys were soon spelling out various words and giggling away together. I asked the older two what they thought of the grippy spots, Trystan was quick to say the bottom of the bath was less slippy now and that after a few minutes he forgot they were there.
We’ve had several bath times using the letters and numbers, they have continued to keep the children’s attention and the older ones have been using them to practise forming sentences and their spelling. I’ve even had a bath forgetting the grippy spots are in place and haven’t noticed them. They are certainly a great anti slip product and we will continue to use them.