So we’ve reached the final QuinnyCasters challenge, I actually can’t believe how fast these four months have gone. We’ve had some great fun along the way and certainly put our quinny moodd through it’s paces.
I still can’t get over receiving the initial email congratulating me on been chosen as a quinnycaster. It seemed so surreal and I didn’t let myself believe it until the Moodd had actually arrived. Then the excitement hit as we put the moodd together knowing this was the start of getting to know the moodd inside and out. The weekly challenges have seen us enjoying time together as a family but also there have been some that were just Erin and myself. I’ve had to be creative in my approach and tried my hand at things like slide shows. They have also given us that little push to finally visit places we’d meant to visit for ages and hadn’t gotten round to.
From the moment Erin first sat in her moodd she seemed to quite literally love it, I haven’t seen her so keen to get into a pushchair before.
Initially I was unsure about the safety bar but it seems to be one of Erin’s favourite features. The only thing that has taken some getting used to for her is the seat being reclined when she’s tired. I have learnt to wait until she is asleep before reclining the seat as for some reason she does not like it. But if I wait until she is asleep she remains asleep and is quite happy when wakes in that position.
It is also not unusual to find Erin has climbed into the moodd seat unit when the moodd is not been used and in two pieces. Usually if I have brought it in from the car or about to put it in the car I will turn around and find her sat in the seat and she has even put the straps on too! She will sit there quite happily to, get in and out and back in again!
If me knowing that Erin wants to be in the moodd and enjoys it is a huge positive. I don’t have to struggle getting her in and out which makes going anywhere so much less stressful. For the majority of the four months we have been testing the moodd we have had the seat unit parent facing so that we can interact with her. The odd occasion that we have turned the seat so she is facing forward and she has become upset and wanted to be turned to face who ever is pushing the pushchair. She seems to have a very good field of vision even if rear facing and is able to peer around if she wants too. She enjoys interacting with either myself or dad of 3 if he is pushing the pushchair which is lovely. Like a lot of people we lead busy life’s and despite working from home it is great to have the time when we are out and about together to continue interacting with each other. It is an opportunity to experience new things together as we shop or explore new places.
I find the moodd so incredibly light weight to push and manoeuvre, it really is a pleasure to use. I have added a buggy tug to my moodd, mainly for peace of mind as when I am using the moodd and have my older three walking with me it means I don’t have to worry about the moodd rolling away as where we live is quite hilly.
The moodd has come to some of our favourite places with us too like local beaches and has coped so well with sand.
And been with us while we explored new places such as a few weekends ago when we visited Stackpole in Pembrokeshire. Where we walked miles and miles across open farm land, around lakes and lily ponds and discovered fantastic new beaches.
We have taken our moodd up hills and down hills, over gravel, sand and grass. Into museums, cafes, shops and supermarkets. Down narrow streets and through all sorts of obstacles and it was withstood everything we have thrown at it.
I took my moodd with Erin and I when we made the journey to Britmums live in June via train. Where I meet fellow quinnycasters Johnson babies and spent a fantastic evening chatting along with other lovely bloggers I’ve known virtually since I started my blog. It was on this journey I discovered the only issue I have had with the moodd. It does not fit through the doorways into the trains compartments on every train. The first leg of my four hour train journey saw me discover this. It was also the first train journey I had attempted with Erin and the first train journey I had undertaken in over five years so I was already feeling anxious. So having been helped into the train by some lovely fellow travellers I was shocked to discover I could not push the moodd through the compartment door. I had to take Erin out of the moodd and take a wheel off the moodd all with Erin clinging to me and wailing as she was scared at this new experience. Thank goodness for lovely people offering help. Then when I had to change trains I was relieved to discover the second train did not have this issue. But then on the return journey the second train again had the same issue. However this time I had no offers of help and was so overtired with the emotion of having accomplished the journey I made the decision to keep Erin in the moodd and sit in the passage way for the remainder of our homeward journey. Thankfully it was only for about 30 minutes and there was no way I could have managed Erin, taking a wheel off the moodd and our bags.
Everywhere I go with the moodd I notice people checking out the moodd and have had lots of people asking about it. It’s been great being able to tell people how easy the moodd is to use and how pleased we have been with it. It goes without saying that we will be continuing to use our moodd and I am looking forward to doing so.
So thank you Quinny for choosing us to put the moodd through it’s paces we have loved every minute of it. It has been a fantastic opportunity and experience. I hope you have enjoyed reading our challenges and seeing what we have been getting up too.