The boys have recently started watching Max Steel on Nicktoons, I haven’t really taken much notice of it when it’s been on as it coincides with getting tea ready. But I’ve quickly realised that it has become a favourite with the boys. So when I was asked if the boys would like to review the new Max Steel Origins DVD I quickly agreed.
Here’s some information about Max Steel for those who don’t know:
Max Steel Origins combines the first three episodes of series one to create a feature length movie. Max Steel is about a boy called Maxwell McGrath and his out -of-this- world friend Steel. Max Steel Origins tells the tale of how teenager Maxwell ‘Max’ McGrath is thrown into a new life after moving with his mother to the small city of Coppar Canyon.
There he meets new friends, bullies and super villains hunting him down for a power inside him called TURBO (Tachyon Unlimited Radiant Bio-optimized) energy, the most powerful energy in the universe.
Steel, an intergalactic alien created by Max’s late father and who can only survive through Max’s TURBO energy, teaches Max how to control his powers and, with its own advanced technology, creates the armour that turns them into the world’s greatest new superhero, Max Steel!
With the aid of N-TEK, led by Max’s uncle Ferrus, they must defeat Trans-Human Industries from taking over the galaxy with their sinister leader Miles Dredd, all the while uncovering the mystery behind Steel’s past and what really happened to Max’s father.
(taken from press release)
What I hadn’t banked on was how excited the boys were when they saw the DVD! They wanted to watch it there and then. But knowing full well they wouldn’t do their homework afterwards I made them do it first! Then with snacks at hand the three boys sat down to watch the DVD. I wasn’t sure if Rowan would enjoy it as it is really aimed for 6-11 year olds. I needn’t have worried as he sat through the whole DVD and was transfixed to it. Once the main feature had finished the boys went on to watch the bonus features, two extra episodes. I have to say it was the quietest the three of them had been in a while! and where as Rowan can get a bit distracted through films he actually sat still for once. They had seen one of the first three episodes on Nicktoons but they didn’t seem at all bothered by this and appeared to enjoy watching it combined with the other two episodes. When I asked the older two what they thought, Luc immediately gave it a thumbs up and Trystan said it was ‘great’ and asked if they could watch it again! So I think it was a hit with the boys.
The DVD was released on October 7th and is now available from all good retailers, retailing at around £9.99. It is a certificate U and lasts for about 64 minutes.
I have three copies of the Max Steel Origins DVD to giveaway. To be in with a chance of winning one of the copies all you have to do is complete the rafflecopter form below
Good Luck
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