Andy and Mike’s Tick Tock Time Machine Tour

Yesterday afternoon I took three rather excited boys to see Andy and Mike’s Tick Tock Time Machine in the Grand Pavilion, Porthcawl.  The older two had spent a few days at their grandmothers so we met them there.  I wasn’t too sure what to expect from the show and although I know who Andy and Mike are I usually don’t get the opportunity to watch one of their programmes.  The boys however are big fans of Andy and Mike and couldn’t wait to see them in person. 
We took our seats in the second row in the theatre and waited patiently for the show to start.  I was pleased to see a good number of people come out to see the show despite the blustery wet weather outside.  The Grand Pavilion is located over looking the sea front in Porthcawl and we had watched the surf building and the waves crashing prior to going in.  There was also a good mix of ages in attendance.  
Once settled in our seats the boys started to take in our surroundings.   The set caught the boys eyes and sparked a conversation about toilets in gardens!  Trystan couldn’t quite understand why you would have a toilet in your garden!  I told him that some people did have toilets in their gardens and that hopefully we would find out more about this particular toilet when the show started.  
Right from the word go Andy and Mike came out on to the stage and started to engage with the audience, throwing large beach balls into the unexpecting crowd.  It certainly led to lots laughter and got everyones attention.  It also set the scene for the duration of the show, lots of laughter, fun and audience participation. 
The boys thoroughly enjoyed joining in when ever they were asked to along with the rest of the audience.  We were transported through time on several occasions and helped Andy and Mike complete their quest.transportation to different time zones and ran very smoothly.   The clever and quick scene changes aided this  I won’t reveal all that happens because then you won’t want to go and see the show for yourself!   
The storyline capture Andy and Mikes chemistry and the two bounce off each other much to the delight of everyone watching.  These two work so well together and you really are in for a treat if you go along to see the show.  I found myself laughing and joining in as much as the three boys.  The show consisted of two halves, a forty minute first half with a twenty minute interval and a forty minute second half.  This was just long enough for the younger children and there were quite a few and also held the attention of the older children.  There were a few minutes when scripts were forgotten but the improvisation between Mike and Andy covered it smoothly and was only really noticed by the adults which made us chuckle.  The only disappointment was that Andy and Mike did not come out to great the audience and say hello afterwards.  However they did apologies for this as they closed the show and explained that due to personal reasons they would not be on this occasion!  Rowan was a bit disappointed as he really wanted to say hello but quickly forgot about it.  All three boys loved the experience and said they were really glad they had had the opportunity to see the show.  
Andy and Mike’s Tick Tock Time Machine is touring in February and March of 2014 and is well worth booking your tickets to see.  To see the tour dates and more information please visit here
The show is suitable for children aged 3 years plus.    We had a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon watching the show and would highly  recommend it to any cbbc or cbeebies fan or in fact anyone who would like an afternoon of fun and laughter.  
Disclaimer:  We were provided with four tickets to Andy and Mike’s Tick Tock Time Machine for the purpose of this review.  However the content and opinons expressed within the review are 100% my own. 

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