This weeks been a strange one here, the three boys headed of with dad of 3 to stay at grandma’s for two night leaving Erin and myself as I was still working. It enabled me to get the little ones back into a routine before the boys head back to school and the inevitable school runs. But once I finished work the house was so quiet without the others here. The first night I had cooked, eaten, loaded and unloaded the dishwasher all by 7.30pm something that doesn’t happen often here!
Sunday 20th April –
Happy Easter all, the children did well with Easter eggs again this year but without going over the top! We spent a lazy day in PJ’s which was well needed after the manic few weeks we’ve had.
Monday 21st April –
Another quiet day here just pottering around the house and the garden. We all went for dinner at my parents which was nice and then came home to relax. The boys went straight out into the garden to use the trampoline. I have to say it has been one of the best buys we have made in the last two years. It’s great for burning of their energy, after all who doesn’t like a bounce before bed!
Tuesday 22nd April –
This evening after dinner Kitty decided to do a spot of chicken watching! She spent a good half an hour laying down watching the chickens on the patio but if one came too close to the window she ran away! she’s so funny bless her and Erin thought it was really funny.
Wednesday 23rd April –
This evening Erin and I went to my parents for dinner as the boys and dad of 3 where still away at grandmas. We had a lovely meal and spent a little time afterwards before heading home. The cherry trees had suddenly bloomed in the front garden, in fact pretty much all the trees on my parents road where in bloom and it looked so pretty. I wish I had been able to stand in the road and get a shot of them! One of my first memories of the street when we went to view the house before we moved here is of the whole street being in bloom and feeling it was beautiful. Having lived in London we weren’t used to so much space and greenery.
Thursday 24th April –
My brother called this evening to see the children with his girlfriend. They very kindly brought the children Easter Eggs. Rowan thought it would be funny to climb into the shopping bag the eggs had been in for his uncle to carry around!
Friday 25th April –
One of our chickens has been a bit under the weather the last two days so has been having some special attention. She was allowed to sleep in the kitchen last night which Kitty wasn’t too impressed by! Then this morning she sat on the patio with the boys going and spending time with her. Trystan decided he had to give her a cuddle and she happily sat on the chair with him and a few minutes later seemed to enjoy it so climbed onto his lap! she’s looking a bit better this afternoon so fingers crossed she’s on the mend.
Saturday 26th April –
This last fortnight we have made a start on the jobs that are needed in the garden. With dad of 3 and the boys having been away for a few days this week things were on hold but we had plans to do some more today. Sadly the weather had other ideas, it’s poured down most of the day putting a stop to any hope of working in the garden.
Great round up!! the shopping bag one has to be my favourite lol #project365
Love seeing the cherry trees in blossom, and I did laugh at the photo of the chicken having a cuddle – how fab is that?! #365
FAB photos!!!…. That cherry tree looks beautiful and how cute is your boy in the bag!, thats something mine would do! 🙂 #Project365
Must have been weird having the boys away for a few days! Your brother reminds me of my brother!
The cherry tree looks so pretty. I hope the weather stays dry for you, we’re sorting out our garden when the weather improves #365
i agree about the trampoline we bought ours last year and it was def money well spent
i did like the chicken cuddlign photo – very sweetx
The house must have been quiet without the boys! Looks like you’ve had a good week though x Love the photo of the chicken hug!
im loving the content of the shopping bag! lol
Sounds like a good week! I’m surprised Kitty doesn’t go for the chickens! Mine would!
I can’t believe Easter was a whole week ago! The cherry blossom looks beautiful and those reusable bags sure are strong 🙂
I am drooling over any pics of easter eggs as I cant get them here as easily in the USA – I love the pic of your little one in the shopping bag lol
The weather has been so dreary lately hasn’t it, such a shame #365
The cat sitting watching the chucks is my favourite. I bet the tail was flicking about like mad!
What fun photos .. ps i love the cat as well