This week has been a long one and I’ve struggled at time to keep my calm with the boys in particular. I don’t tend to loose my cool easily either, I manage to walk away and count to ten or a hundred in some cases but one particular day this week was beyond a joke! It was a reminder that being a parent isn’t always easy. You can read about my difficult day here
So here’s our week:
Sunday 27th July 2014:
This evening dad of 3 and myself made the two and a half hour trip to Lake Vyrnwy to celebrate the wedding of one of dad of 3’s colleagues. It’s not somewhere we’ve visited before and as I wasn’t the drive for a change I took the opportunity to snap away at the countryside we passed through. We drove through three counties in total! I took this shot from the hotel over looking the lake were the reception was. It’s quite a breathtaking view. I found it quite eery in some ways and the Victorian tower emerging from the lake reminded me of Harry Potter! Lake Vyrnwy was built in the 1880s, the stone built dam was the first of its kind in the world. The purpose of the lake was to supply water to Liverpool, in order to do this the small village of Llanwddyn was submerged. Apparently when the lake is low you can see the ruins of the village. I’d love to go and explore more in the daylight sometime. There was a low mist that kept rolling in and then we would have a shower, the mist would clear for a while and then appear again sometime later which I think added to the eeriness for me. It was the first time in ten years dad of 3 and myself had spent a night without the children so it was quite a surreal experience but an enjoyable one.
Monday 28th July 2014:
This evening I had to dig out the deep heat! Having spent two nights last week on an inflatable mattress downstairs in the attempt to sleep better and then having walked miles with a double buggy, I had pulled a muscle in my side. It was so painful and every time I thought it was better I coughed or lifted something like the ironing board and the pain was back! So dad of 3 had the pleasure of applying some good old deep heat in the bid to sort the problem.
Tuesday 29th July 2014:
Today has been a challenge from start to finish and I for one was extremely glad to see the sun setting on the day.
Wednesday 30th July 2014:
Today has been a better day compared to yesterday. I survived a trip to the local annual agricultural show with five children and they all enjoyed. Followed by a late lunch and then some time spent making hamma bead creations. Tonights sunset was gorgeous too.
Thursday 31st July 2014:
The weather has turned cooler today and has been showery all day. Despite the overcast sky and the breeze it was remind quite humid. I had an unexpected day off today and initially I thought we would go out and about I decided to take the opportunity to make a start on tackling Luc’s bedroom. I only tidied it at Easter and it puzzles me how an almost ten year old fails to keep his room tidy. So with Erin and Rowan settled watching TV in my bedroom and playing quietly I set to work supervising Luc while Trystan got on with tidying his room. Seven hours later you could finally see huge amounts of floor and the bottom bunk! plus I had made a start on sorting toys the boys had outgrown. A productive day.
Friday 1st August 2014:
Last nights sunset must have been a warning of the downpour we were to experience today! It’s literally poured all day, the chickens have made me laugh with the fact they don’t seem bothered by the rain at all while Ria and Merlin (cats) have spent the entire day sheltering in the playhouse. This evening the sunset seemed almost non existent and darkness fell earlier than usual due to the rain.
Saturday 2nd August 2014:
Today has been a long day! I was woke by Rowan just before 5am with his asthma then at 5am the heavens opened, quite literally! I’ve not seen that much rain in a long time, the sound was deafening and I had to go around closing windows in a bid not to wake the others. It was quite a monsoon, how the gazebo stayed standing I don’t know. The paddling pool which empty was 3/4 full within ten minutes. An hour and a half later it subsided and we managed to get another hours sleep before Erin woke. Rowan had a party this morning and I’ve spent the day feeling exhausted and have used the time to play around with my blog layout and write posts. We’ve had showers off and on all day but the sky is darkening again in warning of more to come.
Love the ‘Harry Potter lake’ and a really interesting story behind it. The rain this morning certainly was spectacular!
I recognised the setting for your top picture immediately Lake Vyrnwy is so beautiful and a great place to walk around. Glad you managed to enjoy a night on your own.
Wow, the picture of the lake is amazing. So atmospheric! I would love to visit here, love exploring places like that!
I hope that you’re back is not so bad now? Back pain is the worst!
Sorry you have had a bad day this week. Rest assured you’re not alone, we all have them. Mine was Friday. I was at the point of wondering how on Earth I was going to survive 5 more weeks of summer holidays. I hope that you’re feeling better now. On another note, that sunset is gorgeous. x
Sorry to hear you’ve had a crappy day this week. You’re right when you say being a parent is tough and I think the summer holidays are a real test for us all. Shame about your back, sounds really nasty 🙁 Hope it starts healing up this week.
hope your not in too much pain now lovely x
That gazebo has featured a lot this week, obviously a wise investment! The lake looks wonderful, was it the one from Harry Potter?
Thanks for linking up to Project 365.
oh once the gazebo’s up it’ll be up for a few weeks lol as quite a task to put up. No it wasn’t in the Harry Potter films but looks very similar 🙂
love the view from the hotel room, how amazing would it be to explore the buildings at the bottom of the lake. Glad you enjoyed your night away. Love the different sky pictures. Cant stand the smell of deep heat, though OH tells me it does work.
Wow I love that lake photo, just wonderful. Sorry you’ve had a crappy time part of this week, I hope this one has been kinder to you x