Sometimes an email drops into my inbox with information about a product that I know will be a hit with the boys and even dad of 3. That was just the case when I received an email about BOOMco Rapid Madness Blaster and I hoped it would score me some serious brownie points with them all!
So when a package arrived which I suspect contained the BOOMco Rapid Madness Blaster a few days later I put it to one side to wait for dad of 3 to return from work so they could open it together.
I had the usual “what’s in the box mummy?” from the boys throughout the afternoon but I explained they had to wait for daddy to get home before they opened it. When dad of 3 returned that evening I waited for him to sort himself out before getting the box out and then asked dad of 3 to open the box. I really wish I had thought to film the reaction I got because the boys and dad of 3 (though don’t tell him I told you!)
Dad of 3 and the boys wasted no time in getting the BOOMco blaster out of the box and inspecting all the functions. All I can say is it’s a good job I had dinner in the oven or it would have been a late tea! It didn’t take long to work out how the cartridge/dart clip slotted in and how the shields were activated.
The BOOMco Rapid Madness Blaster claims to shot 20 darts in seconds and can be fired from 50 feet, which is pretty amazing. It is air powered so you don’t need any batteries, using a pump you fill a air reservoir in the blaster, which holds enough air to dispense an entire magazine of 20 darts in less than 3 seconds. Wanting to put the BOOMco Rapid Madness blaster to the test the boys and dad of 3 decided to try it out. It was raining outside so we decided to set the supplied target up on the front door and fire from half way down the hall which is some 10 foot. I managed to capture the BOOMco Rapid Madness blaster in action firing 20 darts.
I had to shoot the video twice as the level of excitement was beyond deafening and I dropped my phone in surprise! Dad of 3 is the one firing the BOOMco Rapid madness blaster in the video and the rest of us watched in amazement.
Of course the boys each had to have a go at using the BOOMco blaster so they took it in turns to do so. Each of them thrilled with the power of the BOOMco blaster and having watched her brothers have a go Erin of course had to try and with a little help managed it to her delight.
After an hour of shooting the smart stick target (pictured below) I had to insist they put it away for the night and come and eat their dinner.
The following morning I was woken by Rowan asking if he could play with the BOOMco blaster and it didn’t go down well when I told him not until after breakfast! That has pretty much been the pattern for the week especially since his older brothers were away for a few days. I have to say he’s made me jump and poor kitty a few times this week when he’s suddenly fired the BOOMco blaster without warning somewhere in the house which of course he thinks is funny!
The boys have been using nerfs guns for the last year but since the BOOMco Rapid Madness Blaster has arrived they have thoroughly enjoyed playing with it. They love the way the smart darts work and stick to the target and the sheer speed at which 20 darts can be fired. One of the first things the older two did when they returned home yesterday was ask if they could play with the BOOMco Rapid Madness so I think it’s pretty safe to say that we have all been impressed with the performance of the BOOMco Rapid Madness Blaster.
So what do you get for your money when you buy the BOOMco Rapid Madness Blaster? Well with a RRP of £49.99 you get:
- 1 Smart Stick Target
- 30 Smart Stick darts
- 20 dart clip
- Removable transformable shields
- BOOMco Rapid Defence Blaster.
It is expensive but it’s well made and the performance you get from it is surprising. So I think it’s good value for money. The BOOMco Rapid Defence Blaster is suitable for children aged 6 plus. Rowan is 5 years old and has managed to use it without issue. That is apart from managing to catch his finger in the shield as he tried to position them. He was okay and was reminded he just need to take care and watch what he was doing when using it.
We were sent one BOOMco Rapid Defence Blaster and the boys are already asking if we can get another one so that they can play a game between them instead of taking turns as they have been. You can also buy additional targets and Smart Stick darts if you so wish. There are also other products in the BOOMco range available. BOOMco Rapid Defence is available from amazon, ToysrUs and Tesco to name a few of the retailers.
I showed the boys the video of the BOOMco Rapid Fire being used in a team situation and they loved it so I thought I would share it with you too.
For more information about BOOMco you can visit
Disclaimer: We were sent the BOOMco Rapid Madness Blaster for the purpose of this review however the content of this post is 100% my own.