With the Summer holidays now in full swing, finding fun activities for all the family is a must. Finding ones that are free is also a bonus! I’ve just been hearing about Allianz’s fun new campaign, Pass Around the World and thought it would be a great family activity to join in with.
Pass Around the Family is to celebrate Allianz’s partnership with the Saracens RFC and in honour of the 2015 Rugby World Cup. Allianz wants individuals, groups, families and friends to film a rugby pass and upload it to their website. It’s also a great way of getting up and active with your family by getting out and practicing those rugby passes before you film your pass. The aim of the campaign is to Pass the rugby ball around the World.
Have a look at some of the passes already filmed and uploaded
Looks fun doesn’t it, why not have a go? Taking part couldn’t be easier to take part. All you need is a mobile phone that can shoot video, then:
1. turn your phone side ways to film your pass. -‐ Film Your Pass: The ball must come in from the left and out through the right. What you do in-between is up to you. -‐
2. Upload: Make sure your video is no more than 10 seconds long and is under 30MBs. Upload it on our website and share it with your friends! www.passaroundtheworld.com
All passes that are uploaded to the website will also be entered into a prize draw which include great Saracen prizes from signed Rugby balls to attending a lunch with the team after a training session with them. There’s also a £150 Ticketmaster voucher (terms and conditions apply, please visit www.passaroundtheworld.com for more information.
When I initially heard about the campaign a few days ago I knew it would be something they would enjoy taking part it. The boys have been out practising their passes for the last two days and they are trying out different ways of passing between them. Their keen to see if their pass will go to a famous Rugby player. Trystan especially is a keen rugby player and joining in will enable him to practice his passing and have fun joining in at the same time. We’ve also been enjoying watching the passes that have already been uploaded to the website and will continue to watch over the coming weeks to see if the pass makes it around the world.
So what are you waiting for …. grab a rugby ball and get passing ….
Disclaimer – this is a collaborative post however the content is my own.