Enjoying the Rugby World Cup 2015

Dad of 3 is a really big Rugby fan and with the Rugby World Cup on our doorstep, he decided to treat the older two to tickets to see Ireland and Wales play.  With dad of 3’s Irish ancestry, Trystan was thrilled to be able to watch Ireland vs Canada.  Then the following day he took Luc to watch Wales vs Uruguay.  

They all thoroughly enjoyed the experience of seeing it first hand.  They will be memories that they can treasure for ever.  Since then the boys have been enjoying watching the matches on TV.  Trystan is still firmly supporting Ireland and will be cheering them on, on Sunday when they play Italy.   While Luc was cheering Wales on last night when they played Fiji and saw them win by 23 – 13. 

trystan rugby balltrystan rugbyluc rugbyDad of 3 still has one match to attend in a couple of weeks  and is watching with interest to see who will go through to play that match.   Have you been lucky enough to see one of the matches live?  Who are you supporting and whats your best memory of the Rugby World Cup so far?

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