I love the build up to Christmas and always have but I think once you have your own children it becomes even more magical. About three years ago I discovered this lovely website called The Portable North Pole which enables you to create video messages from Father Christmas to your children.
After quickly reading about how it works I decided to give it ago. Luc was starting to ask questions about Father Christmas at the time and I really wanted to keep the magic of Christmas alive with him. It didn’t take me long to sign up and start making a video for each of the boys. When I had finished the link to each video was emailed to me so the following day after dinner I got the boys together and told them I had received an email for each of them. One by one I asked them to open theirs to see what it was. I still remember the look of amusement on their faces when they saw Father christmas talking to each of them and showing them photo’s of things they had done throughout the year. The videos had the desired effect especially for the older two but all three were thrilled with their videos. In fact they asked to watch them several times in the run up to Christmas. So the following year I decided to do them again and this time made one for Erin too. Again they were a big hit and they have become a bit of a Christmas tradition here. Each year the video choices offered on The Portable North Pole change so I have managed to have different ones each year for the children which again has added to the magic. This year there are 7 video messages to choose from.
With each of the videos you can personalise them to each child and I have found them great for encouraging better behaviour in the run up to Christmas Eve. Because lets face it most children can get over excited with all the festive fun.
This year I am thrilled that I have been given a Gold Pass to use with The Portable North Pole. The Gold Pass costs £9.99 and for this you will receive:
What do you get with the premium pass bundle?
• Unlimited premium video messages – up to 15 personalisations per video
• Unlimited calls from Santa
• unlimited free HD download to keep your special video from Santa
I’m looking forward to creating phone calls from Father Christmas this year for the first time. I think they will be quite handy to use as reminders to behave when needed. I’ve almost finished this years videos and am excited to watch the children’s reactions when they open them at the beginning of December.
But what if you don’t want to pay for the Gold Pass? Well fear not you can still join in The Portable North Pole fun by accessing their free videos which come with 5 personalisations. Plus for those wanting to send videos to adults there are also versions available. I also discovered this week that The Portable North Pole donate 5% of all online sales to 40 children’s hospitals around the world with four of them being in the UK.
Disclaimer: I was given a Gold Pass for The Portable North Pole for the purposes of this post. However the content is 100% my own.