The bingo question

When I was younger I used to stay with my gran during the summer holidays and one of the things I used to love was going to the bingo with her and her friends.  A couple of times a week in the local working mans club they held bingo, it was quite a social event and I still remember the contagious atmosphere. when I first started my gran would let me play book but as I got more confident I was allowed more books to play.  Its one of those things that I loved about my time staying with my gran and even now all these later I remember it well.

So when I heard that as part of our towns festival week over the summer they were going to hold a bingo night I thought it would be great to take the older two boys along.  They hadn’t played bingo before so asked lots of questions before we got started.  I kept an eye on the boys as we played and they quickly picked it up, I was lucky enough to win a house on the fourth game which the boys were thrilled with.  That night brought back some happy memories for me and the boys are keen to go to bingo again so I have promised to keep my eyes peeled for the next local one. 

Then last week the boys and I were online looking for some bits and pieces when Trystan spotted an advert to an online site which enabled you to place bets online  So it got us talking about the fact that thanks to the internet it is possible to play bingo online as well as casino games and more.  It seemed to fascinate him that this was possible and I explained for some people they find playing online easier.  He went off for a bit seemingly happy with this explanation but then a couple of hours later he came back and said he didn’t think he would like to play online because he had enjoyed meeting new people and playing bingo.  It was one of those moments when I realised that he had actually given this a lot of thought and not just taken what I had said at face value.  I really enjoyed that evening at the bingo, not only did it give me the chance to spend some time with just the older two but it was fantastic to see the community spirit and be part of that.  It was a bonus if you like that the boys enjoyed themselves and want to go again but I think we will go again.  Do you like to play bingo?


Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post but the post is 100% my own


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