I recently blogged about the fantastic Help Dora Help Campaign in my Does your Nursery or preschool need Dora’s help? post. I had the opportunity to ask the lovely Helena who is the face of Nick Jr some questions about the Help Dora Help Campaign and about being a presenter on Nick Jr. Here is what Helena had to say:
Mum of 3 Boys: Why should nurseries and preschools apply for the Help Dora Help Award Fund?
Helena: Help Dora Help is a great initiative for all pre-schools, nurseries and playgroups to take part in. Just by registering, they get a free activity pack themed with Dora the Explorer, with lots of activities and resources that they can use in the classroom with their pre-schoolers. They can also apply for the Help Dora Help Award fund, which is a fund of up to £20,000 for one nursery to use in their setting on anything that will help the education and development of their pre-schoolers. They could use the fund to create a sensorial play room, buy some play equipment, make a garden or even take their children on a trip to the zoo – anything that they may have otherwise not been able to afford. The activities and award entry are fun for the kids and easy to do, and they not only provide a classroom aid, but could provide essential funds.
Mum of 3 Boys: Exploration plays a crucial part in children’s development how does the Help Dora Help Campaign encourage this?
Helena: Dora is a loved and trusted character for pre-schoolers and their parents across the country. Pre-school children relate to Dora and love to explore with her and her friends. Her key characteristics of observation, exploration, problem-solving and adventure with her friends are well placed for providing early years support in pre-school settings.
The Help Dora Help programme has been created by educational specialists to tie in with the teaching of Early Years Foundation Syllabus to bring exploration and creativity to life in nursery and pre-school settings.
The activities in the free pack that nurseries receive when they register encourage children to use their imaginations as they go on an adventure and explore different environments and situations like underwater, starting school, nature, space and different countries around the world.
Mum of 3 Boys: How can we encourage nurseries and preschools to take part?
Helena:To get your nursery to take part, all you have to do is ask your nursery practitioner to register at www.nickjr.co.uk/dorahelp before entries close on the 22nd July.
The Help Dora Help initiative is open to all registered pre-schools, nurseries and playgroups across the UK. Just by registering they will get a free EYFS linked Dora themed curriculum activity pack to use in the classroom and a simple application activity to have the chance to the Help Dora Help Award fund of up to £20,000 to use in their pre-school.
Mum of 3 Boys: Do you have a favourite Nick Jr show? If so what is it?
Helena: There are so many amazing shows on Nick Jr. it is hard to choose! I love Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom and Dora the Explorer of course. I love the way she takes kids on an adventure and teaches them Spanish!
Mum of 3 Boys: What is your favourite part of being a presenter on Nick Jr?
There are so many parts of being a presenter on Nick Jr. and I love them all. I really enjoy the shoots for Wake Up World being able to present information to kids in a fun and informative way. The Nick Jr. team is fun, we have a great time on set and I am able to bring in my experiences of dancing and singing to join in the creative process of shaping the script. I really enjoy working with people who have the same focus as me – creating amazing shows for kids. I also spend a lot of time with children, especially my little cousins who I can play for days with so I am still in touch with my inner child and love to see their reactions to the programmes and the work I do.
A big thank you to Helena for taking the time to answer my questions. Remember you have until July 22nd 2011 to enter the competition. So what are you waiting for get your Nursery or Pre-school to enter.