Potty Training Update

Well it’s been about 5 weeks since I last posted in the Potty Training Section and in some ways not a lot has happened but progress has been made.  I previously posted about the fact that Rowan had started to refuse to use the Potty and almost seemed scared of it.  We decided not to push the potty training to much as we were about to move house, also Rowan had been ill and we didn’t want to push him and give him a phobia.  So the run up to the move we pretty much left Rowan in nappies but kept the potty nearby just in case he started showing interest in it again.  The lovely people at Huggies sent over two packs of Pull-ups for Rowan and he was immediately drawn to them thanks to the Cars 2 characters featured on them.  Rowan started wearing pull-ups during the day and seemed at ease and very happy in them.  He quickly got the hang of telling us when he was wet (a lot sooner than he previously had when in nappies) but still wouldn’t sit on the potty or toilet.  Having said that after a fortnight we started wanting to carry the potty around with him as he had done before but not sitting on it.  We showed him how to sit his teddies on the potty and even put nappies on them to see if it would encourage Rowan to use the potty.  This continued until a week after the move when suddenly Rowan started following both myself and everyone else in the house to the toilet and pulling his pull up or nappy (at night) off at every opportunity.  He still won’t sit on the potty or toilet but I’m hopefully that it won’t be long until he does.  Rowan continues to be dry at night more often than not so we know he has bladder control.  Fingers crossed he will take the next step soon.

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