Almost four weeks ago I visited my doctor with a kidney infection for antibiotics. I provided the routine samples and thought nothing more of it. But a week later I recieved a call from the doctors surgery requesting I go in as they had the results of my samples back. Luckily I was able to see the doctor that afternoon. I didn’t think there was a problem just that the doctor wanted to alter my treatment. So imagine my suprise when the doctor told me that yes I did have a kidney infection but they had also shown something else. I looked at the doctor who quickly continued to say that the sample also showed I was pregnant! Pregnant how on earth could I be pregnant! The doctor I was with could see I was shocked by what I had been told and sat patiently while I gathered my thoughts. I hadn’t had any of the usual pregnancy symptoms and knew if the results were right I could be as much as 3 months gone already from what I could remember. After five minutes I realised I had not missed a period until the end of August but both myself and the doctor at my initial appointment the previous week had put it down to the fact I had just stopped breastfeeding after 26 months. Then I realised I had also had a smear test at the end of July which a day or two later had been followed by what I thought was my period. We had also been busy getting ready for moving house in August and throughout I had been lifting heavy furniture and boxes. I have had three c-sections with the boys and knew that really any more wasn’t ideal so I asked the doctor if it would be a risk to continue the pregnancy. The doctor assured me it would be safe and explained she would refer me to the midwife to be seen as soon as possible so dates could be established.
To say I was shocked was an understatement. That night when the boys were in bed I sat down with dad of 3 and told him what had happened. Like me he was shocked and also worried about the fact I had already had three sections but he was also pleased. We agreed to wait until I could see the midwife before telling anyone in the hope we could confirm dates etc. I had suffered really bad morning sickness with the boys but Rowan had to be the worse by far as I had developed hyperemeses. But so far I hadn’t experienced any sickness at all. The next week we tried to continue as normally as possible but every time the phone rang I bumped at it in hope it was the midwife. About 8 days after I had seen the doctor I had a call from the midwife, I had gotten to know her well when I had been expecting Rowan so was pleased to have her again. We arranged to meet the following day to complete the booking appointment and to try and establish dates. I was relieved I had heard from her as we were going on holiday the following week and I had really wanted to be seen before that.
The next day with both Rowan and Trystan in tow I went along to see the midwife. We completed the paperwork and she then did an examination of my tummy and even managed to find baby’s heartbeat. These both confirmed I was already 12 weeks pregnant. I was amazed as hadn’t expected that and I think it was at that point it sank in that I was pregnant. The midwife explained I may not be able to be seen at the hospital for a scan for a few weeks due to the lateness in me finding out and booking in but made me a routine appointment to see her at 16 weeks. I rang dad of 3 from the car and told him what had happened with the midwife, he quickly said well we better tell our parents then but I wasn’t so sure. However on the way home that afternoon from the school run I stopped at my parents and told them, well I told my dad who told my mum as she was out when we arrived.
I have since heard that I can’t be seen for my first consultants appointment and scan until I am 17 weeks so I have another three weeks to wait. Which all though is frustrating doesn’t seem to bad as it means that hopefully we can find out the sex of the baby then instead of waiting for the second scan. Also the fact I heard a heartbeat with the midwife has been very reassuring and not something you would usually get to experience until your 16 week check.
Unfortunately I picked up a chest infection while on holiday and it made me feel very sick for several days until Doxycycline kicked in but the last couple of days the sickness seems to have passed again and I am hoping that will be the end of it. Although when I was pregnant with Rowan I suffered with Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) and Sciatica and I have been warned that the SPD will reoccur with this pregnancy. I have had a few niggles but so far it’s not been too bad.
We started telling people this week as I’ve developed a small bump and its noticeable. Most people although shocked as like us thought Rowan was our last child have been very supportive. It’s a good job I hadn’t got round to selling on my maternity clothes yet! Finding out at three months has already made it seem like the pregnancy is flying by so I hope it continues to do so.
Big congratulations, I bet that was a huge surprise. Hope it all goes well…….x
Oh wow, what a lovely surprise! Big congrats 🙂
Yay congrats, its good to have you back on here. xxx Take it easy xxx
Wow! Big congrats! Mark xx
Congratulations, I have a feeling its a girl as boys make you sick and girls don’t
I have bump envy… I miss my bump