Eek well I’m now at the end of week 31 and tomorrow have my appointment for my 32 week growth scan and consultants appointment. So tomorrow I will be given a date to go in for my planned c-section. I’m looking forward to the scan, it will be interesting to see how much they estimate her weight to be now as at my 4d scan almost four weeks ago they said she was already just over 2lbs in weight. I’ve got even bigger and it completely flaws me when people keep telling me I’m small! really? I used to think it was a bit strange when people told me they carried differently when carrying girls compared to boys. But now I’m experiencing it I can completely understand and agree with them. I’m move round this time and its all baby, Ive put on the baby weight all over which compared with the boys I didn’t. On reflection and having looked at old photographs from my other pregnancies I was carrying all up front and it was hard to tell I was pregnant from behind. I’ve now almost completely outgrown all my maternity tops which are a mixture of size 10 and 12. They fit me well throughout when pregnant with the boys but I guess as I’m a different shape this time my clothes are fitting differently. I’ve invested in some new nursing bra’s which really I should have done last time too and can’t wait to collect them sometime in the next week or two.
If you’ve read my post from yesterday (What a Week) about the awful week I had, well thankfully apart from the fact Rowan didn’t have meithrin (welsh medium nursery) yesterday afternoon due to the heating being broken. I was looking forward to the break as well after last week. But apart from that so far this week has been quite uneventful thankfully. So yesterday Rowan and I had a couple of hours of doing puzzles and flash cards before some messy play with playdoh. I’m currently sat waiting for the garage to ring me, as the car went in for it’s MOT and hand brake cable to be replaced this morning. Fingers crossed I don’t have a large bill to settle. Lets hope the week continues calmly.
Hope your week has gotten better. So many things were going wrong for you. Not long now until you meet your little princess. Take care hon xx