Today Rowse Honey launch their Bee-Friendly Gardening Project. Rowse want to celebrate Bee’s by planting 5000 Bee friendly flowers around the UK. They have done some research into Bee Friendly flowers and discovered that the following flowers are loved by Bee’s, Lavender, Foxglove and Sunflower.
Rowse would love anyone who is on facebook and/or twitter to get involved with the project by either tweeting using #BusyBees or writing on their facebook page along with a message about why they would like to thank Bees or even why they like honey. Anyone who does will get a message of thanks back and their message linked to the live feed on Rowse’s facebook tab. Rowse aim to collect 5000 messages which will then be stuck on potted flowers. The potted flowers will then be sent to community gardens across the country to be planted. Rowse will then take photographs of the planted flowers with their messages of thanks displayed and tweet them or post them on the comments.
You can even state which flower you would like planted on your behalf by tweeting #foxglove or #lavender or #sunflower or leaving the name of the flower on your facebook comment. If the flower you have chosen has run out Rowse will tweet/comment to let you know.
This is a great project to get involved with so why not join in, get tweeting/commenting and thank the #BusyBees