36 weeks

Another week has come to an end and it means I’m only two days away from meeting baby.  I had my 36 week midwife check up last Thursday and it felt quite strange as I am now under the care of a new community midwife and it was only the second time we had met. So seemed quite strange that the next time I will see her will be after baby’s arrived.
In all my pregnancies I have suffered with low blood pressure but over the last few appointments I’ve noticed it was coming back up to the normal range.  At Thursday’s appointment I mentioned I had noticed this and the midwife said she had too and it was a good sign!  She also commented how much my bump appeared to have dropped since she had seen me a fortnight earlier.  When she measured me I was measuring a week behind my dates but said this was normal as baby now very low in my pelvis.  I was asked if I had packed my hospital bags yet and I told her not yet!  So was told I had better get it packed as soon as possible!! oops.  I told her about the strong braxton (practise contractions) and back ache I had been experiencing and she told me they were all the more reason to get my bags packed in case labour starts early.  We then went through the appointments I have to attend before baby arrives and my birth plan.  I have to go into the hospital the two mornings prior to my c-section in order to have steroid injections as a precaution for baby’s lungs and also to have my pre-op appointment.  There seems an awful lot to pack into this week.  
Much to dad of three’s relief I finally packed my hospital bags at the weekend, he’s also been worried baby may try and make an early appearance due to the pains I’ve been experiencing!  I also did a deep clean of most of the house so that all that dad of three will need to do for at least the first week after baby arrives is hoover and wipe surfaces! I also did lots of ironing and washing again in the hope of making the first week easier for everyone.  Although my mother-in-law will be arriving the afternoon before to help with the boys and staying until the weekend and she will help out lots but I don’t feel right asking her to deep clean for me as well.  Saturday morning I actually was allowed to stay in bed and rest for as long as I wanted as dad of three wanted to make sure I didn’t over do things!! thankfully I turn my mobile to silent at night so I’m not disturbed.  Good thing I did as for some reason my mum rang me eight times in 25 minutes, left on answer phone message telling me to answer my phone and a text message with the same message!! I really wouldn’t mind but she had been telling me how tired I looked the day before and to rest plus she lives about 400 yards down the road so if she was that worried she could walk here!! When I rang her back she seemed so surprised that I was actually sleeping! So I asked her wanted to be told she wanted to know what vegetables we wanted for Sunday lunch the following day! there was me thinking there was something wrong!!!
Yesterday morning Rowan woke up with a raised red rash on both cheeks.  So it was off to the doctors again to get him checked as I wanted to make sure what ever it was, was not contagious with the new baby arriving this week.  Unfortunately his chest infection is back, so we managed a week without antibiotics this time! Doctor thought the rash was related to the reoccurring infections so gave me some Cipro to use.  She did say that he would be fine to go to meithrin as was not contagious and felt running around would do him good.  I then decided to ask about the nebulizer that I had spoken about a fortnight ago with one of the other doctors.  I was told that I would have to purchase a nebulizer myself as they prefer not to have them used.  I asked is she had read the notes and explained that following our trip to hospital last month Rowan refused to use his inhaler and spacer (the action the doctor’s would prefer) and that two other doctor’s at the practise had agreed best course of action was a nebulizer for Rowan as he had responded well to it when had the use of one a fortnight ago.  I explained I still had one of the health centre’s nebulizer and due to his reoccurant infections I would not be returning it to them at present!  I was completely shocked that I was expected to buy a nebulizer myself for Rowan who clearing needs one for the treatment of his asthma.  I asked how much a nebulizer cost and was told under £100. I explained to the doctor that with the new baby arriving in a few days I just did not have that money spare at present and I would be in touch after baby’s arrived to discuss further.  When I told dad of three what had been said he wasn’t best pleased either nor were my parents!.  I attempted to take Rowan to meithrin
This morning I had to make the two hour round trip to the hospital for the first of my two steroid injections for baby’s lungs.  Rowan was going to my parents for time I was at the hospital and he was really pleased to see his dadcu (grandad) When I got to the ward they seemed surprised to see me and I had to wait for ten minutes in the day room.  I was then taken into a side room and given the injection.  I won’t lie to you it really hurt and I’ve a lovely bruise to show for it already!  The midwife did worry me though as she made a comment about not promising a c-section on Thursday as it would depend on the special care unit and the ward!  I looked at her and explained I would be 37 +1 weeks on Thursday and was having my c-section due to it being my fourth baby and also that they estimated her to be a good weight so the injections were just a precaution!  She apologised and said she would see on on the ward on Thursday morning but I would be seen on the day unit tomorrow.  I got the impression she just had not read my notes and had seen the steroid injections and presumed there was a problem!  I did ring my mum though to double check I was right it was just a precaution and they were not anticipating any problems, as she had been at the last consultants appointment with me.  She confirmed I was right and said the midwife had been thrown as hadn’t expected me!! 
So tomorrow I have to go back for another injection and my pre-op appointment.  My mother in law will be arriving and it will be our last night as a family of 5!

4 thoughts on “36 weeks

  1. Elin says:

    I am so excited! I am very much looking forwards to hearing/meeting her as soon as your recovered/can text! Good luck with it all! Much love from the Jones household xxxx

  2. moors-mummy says:

    I am so excited for you, hope it all goes well and here’s. To everything pink!

  3. Can’t wait to read about your new arrival. So excited for you. Time to put your feet up now (what are you doing deep-cleaning your house missus?!!)

  4. Hi

    I’ve just – today – started a new blog hop, The Friday Baby Shower, for all things new baby and would absolutely love for you to link up – new posts and great oldies very welcome

    Alice @ Mums Make Lists xxx

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