This Baby Likes …

Apologies for my lack of posts of late as your aware little Erin has been taking up my time and I’ve been finding it hard tearing myself away. I can however promise that I have been thinking up some ideas which I would love your involvement in.

You may have noticed a new badge has appeared at the side of my blog. I’m thrilled to be writing for a new collaborative blog called This Baby Likes… The blog is written by seven mums who also blog and highlights our experiences of motherhood and our babies development throughout the first year. Each month you will find a new post about what has happened that month, what each baby is doing and also products we have found useful. This is a unique insight into motherhood and our own take on it.

Merry who blogs at patch of puddles is the driving force behind This Baby Likes and it’s a huge thanks to her for creating this space were motherhood can be celebrated in its different forms. So please pop over and have a read and let us know what you think.

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