18 thoughts on “Silent Sunday

  1. sarah says:

    ah now what are they looking at?

    1. welshmumof3 says:

      The eldest’s is playing a game on his tablet 🙂

  2. Coombe Mill says:

    Love the way they are all looking together, but what at?

    1. welshmumof3 says:

      At a game my eldest is playing on his tablet pc he had for his birthday 🙂

  3. Looks like they might be conspiring about something…

  4. Jess says:

    As a fellow mum of 3 boys I adore this photo.They look very intent on something 🙂

  5. Definately looking/doing something interesting 🙂

  6. Sinead says:

    Ahhhh it must be something very interesting they all look very engrossed! What are they looking at? xx

    1. welshmumof3 says:

      It’s a computer game lol

  7. Kelly Wiffin says:

    Looks like they are up to something!

  8. Very cute. It looks like they’re plotting something 🙂

  9. This made me smile – a common sight in our house, and they’re usually huddled around some kind of game!

    1. welshmumof3 says:

      Yes it is 🙂 usually Im not quick enough to capture it though

  10. Teamlloyd says:

    I spy someone playing something and the others watching intently…. This happens a LOT in our house!

  11. They look ao absorbed in that 🙂

  12. Sarahmumof3 says:

    how cute all watching big bro!

  13. SusanKMann says:

    Something’s interesting x

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