Snugglebundl lifting blanket a must for c-section recovery

Just before I had Erin I was very kindly sent a Snugglebundl lifting blanket to use after I had had her. As this was to be my fourth C section I was already aware of how difficult and uncomfortable certain things can be afterwards especially lifting your new baby.  So when I saw the Snugglbundl I was eager to try it out.  I was sent a gorgeous pink SnuggleBundl which is so soft and felt so warm.  What makes the SnuggleBundl different from other baby blankets is the fact it has two handles (one on either side) and a hood at one end to help protect baby’s soft spot.  These difference make it the first baby lifting blanket.  It has been designed “to help reduce the amount of bending and stooping to pick up, lay down or move baby” (taken from the All About the Snugglebundl section of the website)

I decided to use it in Erin’s moses basket which I had set up next to my side of the bed ready for when we came home.  I know from my previous experiences of having a c section that bending to lift afterwards can be painfull.  So when we came home from the hospital and the boys had met their baby sister I put Erin in the Snugglebundl and into her moses basket.  Then when she needed to be fed and change next I unwrapped the snugglebundl and using the two handles carefully lifted her out of her moses basket without having to bend at all and without putting pressure on my wound.  Then once ready to go back in the moses basket I placed her back in the snugglebundl and lifted her back into the moses basket. Dad of 3 was also keen to give the snugglebundl a go and was surprised at how easy it was to use and the fact he could move Erin without waking her.  Using the snugglebundl was very easy and it prevented strain and pressure on my c section wound which I would have experienced if I hah had to bend to lift Erin.  She always looked comfortable and warm in it as well.  We used the snugglebundl in the car seat, pram and bouncer as well as her moses basket.  We have loved using the snugglebundl and I will be really sad when Erin has outgrown it, which she very nearly has.


The Snugglebundl has been a godsend to me and I feel it is a must for anyone who has had a c section as it certainly makes life easier and I personally feel helped me recover better and quicker than I did with my previous c sections as I was not bending or stooping as I had done after my previous c sections.  My c section recovery with Erin has been by far my best recovery out of the four I have had.  The fact that I had three other children to care for as well made me evaluate what I was doing in those weeks following the c section and how I did things.  Finding products that make tasks easier for you and help prevent additional pain or discomfort is essential for making a full recovery and the Snugglebundl certainly provided this for me.  I wish the Snugglebundl lifting blanket had been around when I had my previous c sections.  

The Snugglebundl lifting blanket is the invention of David Solomons who’s “wife Suzi had some serious complications during the birth, which resulted in her being very limited in her movement and unable to bend or lift without extreme discomfort. At the same time David’s back problem meant that he struggled to bend and lift as well! Between the two of them they found lifting up, laying down and manoeuvring their new baby in and out of pushchairs and car seats extremely awkward” Taken from the All About the Snugglebundl from the Snugglebundl website.  You will also find instructions on this page as to how to use the Snugglebundl in a car seat, how to rock your baby in the Snugglebundl and how to wrap your baby in the Snugglebundl. 

You can also watch their video about post c section recovery and using the snugglebundl here:


The Snugglebundl costs £39.99 which includes postage if you live inside the UK otherwise there is a postage charge.  The Snugglebundl is suitable from birth until approximately 6 months old however in some case as in Erin’s it can be used until about 8 months.  For more information or to buy your own Snugglebundl please visit  You can also find them on twitter at @snugglebundl or on facebook

Disclaimer: I was sent a Snugglebundl lifting blanket for the purpose of this review 

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