To say thank you to all their costumers and facebook followers, the lovely people at SSE have come up with a fantastic competition. One very lucky person will win a brand new Kindle Fire HD. Entering is very easy all you have to do is pop over to SSE’s facebook page and like it. Then click on the Christmas Elf game Tab located at the top of the page.
Having done this the Christmas Elf game app will start. All you have to do is help the Elves generate enough power to charge the Kindle Fire HD. Throughout the game a series of pop ups appear on the screen with clear, easy to follow instructions. As you follow the instructions you help the adorable elves generate power. True to SSE’s ethos of using sustainable sources, the elves use sustainable power with your help to power the kindle. One elf with your help runs on a tread mill. Then watch the power generated by the elf on the treadmill travel up the wires to power a torch. Next you must help the elf shine his torch on the solar panel. Having successful warmed the solar panel you must operate the lever to pull another elf up in his platform up the ropes to the top. Once at the top you then help him jump off his platform to land on another elf’s stomach causing him to exhale and turn the windmill. Once complete watch the Kindle to see of it powers on. A pop up window will open for you to complete your details to be entered into the competition. You then will have the option to share the competition on your timeline, helping spread the festive cheer.
I really enjoyed playing the elf game app. The graphics are clean and festive and the elf’s are entertaining to watch. I actually played the game a few times just to show the boys the elf’s generating power. You can also go direct to the Elf Christmas Game via this link
Be quick entering though as the competition ends at 4pm on Tuesday 18th December 2012. The winner will be notified the following day to enable the Kindle Fire HD to be delivered in time for Christmas.
For more information about SSE please visit
Disclaimer: this post is sponsored by SSE however the words and opinions expressed are 100% my own.