The UK has the world’s fifth highest rate of children diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes. Recent figures have also shown that a third of primary school leavers are overweight which is one of the leading causes of type 2 diabetes. So with this in mind AXA PPP Healthcare are back with their expert live chat.
On Thursday 28th February 2013 (tomorrow) from 11am until 1pm join AXA PPP Healthcare’s Health at Hand nurse and midwife Jackie Hall who will be answering childhood diabetes questions. From spotting the symptoms to preventing and managing the condition. This live chat is free to join in with just follow this link , you will be asked for a user name to use during the chat. You will also be asked for a password but this is not required to join in the chat, so if you don’t want to create one simply click enter chat and you will be taken to the live chat. Then you are all set to join in the session and ask questions.
I will be attending the live chat in partnership with AXA PPP Healthcare. I am particular interested to learn more about recognising the symptoms of type 1 diabetes in children and what is entailed with treating childhood diabetes. So will be asking these as questions tomorrow. I hope to seeing you at the live chat and learning more about childhood diabetes.
This post is sponsored by AXA PPP Healthcare