I honestly can’t believe that Erin is one today, how on earth has that happened?! This time last year I found myself along with dad of 3 sat waiting in the waiting room on the antenatal unit at the hospital along with another couple waiting to be seen. We were to spend almost the whole day not knowing if we were going to meet you that day as the ward was so busy. The other couple had already told us they had been sent home the day before because there had been emergencies.
I remember sitting trying to watch the tiny television in the waiting area and chatting with the other couple and dad of 3 as we all tried to take our minds off our nerves and hoping that someone would come and tell us what was happening. Eventually we were told that there were a few others on the list before us and they were waiting for beds to come available. So it was a case of waiting and hoping.
Eventually just after midday the other couple were taken through to their bed and it was just us waiting. Another couple had been in and had been sent home in between as well which didn’t help with our nerves. I remember ringing family to keep them updated and also sending a few texts to friends who were waiting for news. We tried not to think about the possibility of being sent home and having to reorganise childcare etc again. I also remember that I actually felt quite calm about the whole thing, quite unlike I had been with the boys.
At around 2pm we were finally told a bed was ready for me and were taken through to the high dependency unit were I would spend the next 24 hours. I was starting to feel nervous now as we knew we would be having the baby after all. But there was still more waiting. An hour and a half later we were finally on our way to the labour ward to prepare for the c-section.
The whole c-section process this time around was so much more pleasant than my previous three had been. The midwifes, anaesthetist and other theatre staff took on board that dad of 3 had fainted at my previous sections and did everything possible to ensure he did not see or hear what was happening. I remember getting very tearful while waiting for my spinal to be administered but the midwife held my hand and spoke calmly to me while it was done. I think the reality that I was about to have a baby had hit me!
I remember laying on the theatre table and waiting to hear the baby crying, suddenly she was there and the surgeon was telling me it was defiantly a girl and there were so far no complications with the c-section ( there was a chance of scaring due to my previous sections but thankfully this wasn’t the case). Back in recovery Erin fed hungrily straight away, she weighed in at a tiny 5lbs 13oz hardly the big baby predicted! I rang my parents as I knew they were coming at visiting time to let them know she had arrived safely and should be back in high dependency just in time for their visit. Dad of 3 headed home after an hour to take over from his mum who was holding the fort.
I relished those first hours with Erin feeding away happily, it still surreal that I had a daughter. My family arrived and lavished love and affection on our new bundle but quickly it was just the two of us again, bliss. I don’t do hospitals very well and 24 hours later with the help of dad of 3 and my father we were settling into my own bed and been fussed over.
Who would have known how much love your brother’s were to give Erin when they finally meet her, right from the word go they were bowled over with love for her and spent every opportunity with her even if she was sleeping. Rowan just wanted to hug and kiss her and this is still the case a year on. Trystan is still very much the little helper and is keen to get things or play with Erin whenever he can.
I won’t lie to you having four children is no easy thing and there have been times when I would happily crawl back under the duvet and sleep! but it doesn’t last long, as soon as I see and hear the four children together playing, laughing and even arguing I can’t help but smile. We are so blessed with our little family and Erin has completed that for us. She has brought a whole new element to the chaos that quite often occurs here but it’s a good chaos if you know what I mean. I have found the key to being a family of six is routine, only when everything is done can I finally sit and grab a cuppa or just sit and enjoy being involved with the laughter and fun.

I can’t wait to see how Erin continues to become her own person and to see how our family continues to evolve and flourish. Erin started crawling New Year’s Eve and these last few weeks has been on the brink of walking. Watch out when she actually does start walking, she’s desperate to run around after her brothers. She loves joining in the rough and tumble and knows exactly how to tell them when she’s had enough! She loves exploring and quite often can be found at the duplo table playing with the duplo or at the toy keyboard where she’ll be stood attempting to play a tune. She’s an independant child who will make it clear if she doesn’t like the toys or activity we’re playing with or doing. She loves having her photograph taken especially if with her brothers. I love the way she looks for her brothers as soon as she wakes up and gets all excited when she sees them, she certainly dotes on them as they do her.
I wonder what this next year will bring…… Happy 1st Birthday my precious little princess