This morning I was handed two googly eyes by one of the children and asked if we could make something with them. Thinking on my feet I remembered I had some wooden spoons left over from a craft we did last year and I also have some bits of material and wool, all perfect for making some spoon puppets.
I have an old pillowcase which I keep material scraps, sticky back plastic and wool in and all the children love going through it to discover what’s inside. We spent a good fifteen minutes looking at all the different bits. I explained my idea to use the googly eyes to make a spoon puppet using the wooden spoon and bits from the bag.
Once I had got out some pva glue and the glue spreader we set to it. This is how we made our spoon puppet:
1. We glued the googly eyes on to the back of the wooden spoon using a little pva glue.
2. Decided what colour wool to use as hair, then cut several pieces of wool to the right length. (the boys opted for yellow wool so they could have a blond puppet!)
3. Using a pink felt tip pen I drew on a mouth then left the glue to dry.
4. While the glue was drying we looked for something to make arms for the puppet. We found a wooden lollipop stick. You could use a pipe cleaner instead if you don’t have a lollipop stick.
5. Using a piece of wool we secured the lollipop stick to the spoon to make arms.
6. The children decided which bit of material they wanted to use as clothes for the puppet.
7. I then cut a small hole in the middle of the material to allow it to go over the top of the spoon but not too big that it would fall off.
8. There you have it a very simple spoon puppet.
The puppet kept the children busy for over an hour, they tried to decide what to call her and in the end settled for Mummy!
You could make lots of different puppets using a wooden spoon and bits and pieces, you needn’t